Three out of five Americans now live paycheck to paycheck

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Nothing really โ€œhappensโ€ per se. People just become unhappier as they have to work harder to afford an ever decreasing standard of living.

It sucks, but people will find ways to adapt.

We get deflation means the prices of stuff needs to go down as no one can afford them.

Or the French revolution.

Take your pick.

Welcome to Honduras! You know what happens? Products get cheaper and cheaper so you can afford them. In a couple years you donโ€™t even remember what good milk or meat is.

Apartments get even smaller.
Cloths are now second hand cloths.
And thereโ€™s a lot of violence on the streets because gangs, perverts, narcs, and police thrive on poor people.

Yeh. Thatโ€™s how it is.
The 3rd world county is upon you and it wasnโ€™t a republican or a democrat or the immigrants.

It has always been the corporations and their economic impositions.

They put us all in prison and continue slavery under the 13th amendment

Living paycheck to paycheck doesnt mean youre broke, it just means you don’t keep a bunch of money in your checking account.

You could be dumping $1000/paycheck into stocks, and spending $1000/paycheck on designer clothes, and still be counted as “paycheck to paycheck.”

We extend more credit!

How many of these people have car payments over $500 a month? My guess is all of them. Nobody is taking the money out of their pockets. They are giving it away.

As someone that makes six figures, I still fear buying a car for 20k and drive a beater. Itโ€™s crazy driving by the section 8 near my house and seeing new bmws and Mercedes in there. America has a spending problem. We literally make so much more than the rest of the world. Healthcare needs to be reformed for sure, but if we are being real the vast majority of people are not spending all their money on healthcare. Most people arenโ€™t even going to the doctor lol

I gotta be honest, I am personally not convinced that 60 percent are ACTUALLY living paycheck to paycheck versus making daily choices that cause them to live paycheck to paycheck

The amount of families I interact with that “need support” and “live paycheck to paycheck” but also wear jordans and lulu for the whole family and pull up to a meeting with starbucks is a significant proportion.

Purely anecdotal but I could basically never be convinced that 60 percent of americans are one job loss, one popped tire, etc away from being underwater AND that the reason they dont have savings is because they have been spending all available cash on essentials for 6+ months. I think what i just described is about 10-15 percent of our country and 35-50 percent of our nation simply has a spending, luxury, convenience problem

That stat also included people making 250k plus a year.

Post-capitalist techno-feudalism

Like 20% of people making more than $200k/year live payckeck to payckeck. Sometimes its just a skill issue.

Every human has to eat to survive. And survival instinct is the strongest instinct, everybody does what he has to do to survive. The rugby players in the Andes had to resort to cannibalism to survive in 1972 after a plane crash for 72 days. If there is true hunger, then civilization is over. In fact, we have this fancy modern civilization because most people can somewhat afford cost of living.

Civilization is three meals away from anarchy. This is well-known.

they become homeless

There are examples all over the world of this we can look to to give us some idea. None of them are good.

Just read โ€œGrapes of Wrathโ€ itโ€™s a jaunty little road trip tale during tough economic times.

Violence hopefully only thing that brings change

You sell mansions, yachts, private planes, and land to rich people. Just like humans have always done. The middle class was a blip and an outlier. Keeping it takes work. Education, boring reading, civic responsibility. Basic Adulting.

Theyโ€™ll blame everyone who has anything and attack them. But will never look to the people they voted to keep in power for decades as the problem. Theyโ€™ll sure blame the other party though. Not their party.

Things get much worse until we decide that having billionaires is not as important as feeding our families then violence I guess.

You know whatโ€™s really funny is this is such an American problem lmao. Look at SO many other countries in the world. Look at developed countries like China that have such a high cost of living people end up in tenement buildings built for tens of thousands.

Thatโ€™s our future.

The tent cities get bigger
The police state becomes more palatable
And like always the rich keep getting richer

The trend of the incoming administration has always been crime. They are despots. Violence under the guise of the KKK at firsts and now to pick them back up again.


Living paycheck to paycheck does not at all relate to cost of living or size of the income for that matter. People are just shit at managing their finances, tend to live above their means for no good reason and end up paying for a mountain of credit. The solution is trivially simple – consume less. No you don’t need to move out from your parents at 18, no your car does not have to cost 80k, no you don’t need that ridiculously overpriced degree. If something is too expensive and you can’t afford it, then you just plain don’t, it’s that simple.

They stop tweeting from their iphone.

The majority of the population for most of human history lived on a GDP per capita of less than $2000 per year.

Fuckin sucks man. My wife and I make more money than my parents did when they were our age (we arenโ€™t wealthy or anything, and my parents were pretty poor) and our quality of life is significantly lower. Iโ€™m not complaining because Iโ€™m lucky, and I know people have it way worse, but it just sucks. They were able to buy a house off a one income household when my dad was making like $50k.

Welcome to the third world ๐Ÿ˜‰

We eat the rich.

Eat the rich time

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