Thrift store score. $3! How should I display it?

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I hope you’re on your way back to the Riverwood Trader

$3? how high is your speech level?

I remember it being a lot bigger.

Right in the middle of your counter in the way of absolutely everything.

Plonk it down on the counter of your shop, obviously.

Better hope Lucan doesn’t see this

that’s how you get it stolen

On a chain around your neck. Flavius Flave.

Id put it on the front door as a knocker.

Buy a pet tarantula and stick it in his aquarium.

On a wall rack that constantly drops it.

I’d get some pic frame that will give you about 3 or 4 inches space around the top sides and bottom. Maybe 11×17. Get plywood to fit. Use some Gorilla Glue to make sure the plywood is secure to the frame. Then you could paint the plywood to match a door for this claw….drill 3 holes for the claws to fit into and let it hang there. Or you can print a pic to match the door as well and adhere to the plywood.

But I’m over the top when it comes to displaying things. lol.


You have to give it back to the rightful owners, then steal it back!

Hear me out….remake your front door

$3? Great find!

You know full well there’s only one legitimate answer to this question.

*reaches for a bucket* you can just set it down right there on the counter…

Just leave it on the counter.

Don’t get caught in any spiderwebs on the way home…

Thats a funny looking butt plug…

How did you come by that?
And with that I mean, how did you kill Arvel?

Asking for Uthgerd

Ah the bleak falls thrift shop

You definitely stealing it


Make it the shift knob in your car

Cram it away somewhere in a dusty cave but make sure you stick some torches in the walls that stay lit for a thousand fucking years for some reason

Was the store owner’s name Lucan?

Anyone know where this is from? Don’t say bleak falls barrow or riverwood either lol

Build the dungeon in your basement, lock guests inside until they find the claw and solve the puzzle.

Replace your frond door lock with one that unlocks using this, thn add it to your keychain

Well, you can’t store it on a wall rack. It’ll just be lying on the floor when you come back.

Man, that’s a cool find!

Holy shit that’s an amazing find

Whaaat?! That’s so cool.

Next to an open window, preferably on the ground floor.

Mannequin with a bucket over its head!

That is a good find. Display it.

Just out on the counter, as Talos intended

One down, nine more to collect

Just put it in your front counter, where any ol’ passerby can grab it.

Whatever you do, don’t come to Riften, damn pickpockets will rob you blind.

Oh hey OP, just don’t mind me gonna, excuse me, gonna put this bucket on your head right quick.

In the basement of Tundra Homestead in the display rack so it can be on the floor every time you come back.

“It means so much to have the claw back where it belongs”

“Yes sweetie my beautiful wife whom I love please talk about something else now it’s been 7 years”

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