Thursday’s front page of the British Daily Star. Putin’s Poodle

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Wtf is with the article about Gen Z being afraid of CAPITAL LETTERS? 🤣

Rare tabloid win

The Daily Star is a bit of an oddity in that it revels in the trashy, sensationalist stereotypes of British tabloids, but is generally pretty harmless and doesn’t pander to the narrative that Murdoch et al try to push through the UK.

As poodle owner I feel offended. Poodles are smart and loyal, two things orange man is not.

That’s some good poster.

Anyways, can I have those mini eggs for 2.45? 👉👈🥺

I’m tired boss

That is an insult to all dogs. Dogs are clever, loyal. Orange.. it is just a fruit.

And the Americans tell themselves ”Now the rest of the world respects us!”

Brought to you by Cadbury Cream Eggs. Still cheaper by the dozen than American eggs! Absolutely brilliant!

Traitor of the West

dont let that see his lap dog vance. He will bite you, bark and rant like a little snowflake over this. :-p

It’s a strange world we live in when The Star becomes the voice of reason.


Extremely Rare Tabloid W

The intern has almost finished their introductory course of Photoshop.

True art 🎨

JD wethers..Vance: “Beware, our kin… he never forgets a grudge”

He’s been cultivated by the russians for decades. Intelligence agencies have known it for all that time and it became public knowledge in 2016. Yet some still want to keep ignoring it.

I like the fact that the poodle seems to be made of Cheetos. Great artistic expression. Who needs Ai image content when you have photoshop/paintbrush wizards like this.

Everyone is saying that trump is putin puppet, “the russian must have some dirt on him!”

But what if they were just two ashole that like each other? trump like every dictator he talks to, and hate any idea of freedom.

At some point we will have to face it no one control trump he just hates everyone the USA included.


Orange manbaby is mandatory 😂

“Orange manbaby”, kek

Say what you will about tabloids but, they know their way with words

Why US always involved themselves to other countries they should’ve mind their own business and help their own people. Let other countries fight and stand on their own.

You know someone fucked up when even British tabloids are not on the side of crazy fascists

Trump : I will end the war, give me half of your country and go in pension, your president status is expired.
Zelensky : wtf bro 👀

Tesco’s non-clubcard prices are a joke!

So it has begun, i mean it already began but oh well!

Checks out

Down boy.. basket time.. stay.

They should do a fly over the usa and do a massive airdrop of these covers. Shit would be hilarious

I hope someone runs this all over X and that gross Truth Social platform. Poodle deserves to see this all day for days the way we have to see his awful face.

The Daily Star is, and I’m being kind here, utter shite but holy fuck I hope Trump sees this.

More media outlets need to pour scorn and derision on Agent Orange.

OOH AAH DAILY STAR, God bless you

it’s your struggle against trump’s politics, kinda fun asf

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