Tiktok is in the process of restoring service in the US

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one thing about me, i don’t forget
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This is such a blatant PR stunt for Trump I’m embarrassed there will be people falling for it.

I don’t want it anymore.

What a waste of time and tax dollars.

It’s funny because President Biden said he wouldn’t enforce any penalties and wouldn’t hold anything against the companies if TikTok didn’t go dark, so this is 100% a stunt and it’s just one other terrible thing about this upcoming administration.

the ceo is going to the inauguration, he’s already praising trump, if people really believe that tiktok will remain as it previously was are delusional. it will go the way twitter did and meta is following, just another platform to worship trump and his ilk. krispy kreme does less glazing than tech ceos

Fuck this Trump cock gobbling. Wake up people.

I hate this trump propaganda!!

I’m honestly done with TikTok even though it’ll be saved.

HE IS THE REASON IT WAS GETTING BANNED! I’m so confused. Did people forget?


Let’s all ignore the fact that Trump is the one who started the whole shutdown process, i guess 🤷‍♂️

Well, looks like Reddit will be my only form of social media

Jesus Christ it’s not even subtle

It’s kind of pathetic how this whole thing is going down 🫣

And this is how the America’s state controlled media era started

Not that it matters but I’m done with tiktok now.

It’s like we are living in a Black Mirror episode. Trump wanted the ban in the first place. This is just a glimpse into what it’s going to be like for America for the next 4 years. Everyone praising and seeking approval of Dictator Trump, who will try to control as much of everyone’s lives as he possibly can.

The free speech agenda means even more bigotry on the platform. Comments are about to turn into the ones on reels

*sigh* What’s the catch? Cause I know there is going to be a catch.

And people will jump right back on it just like the orange daddy wants them too

Gonna become a right wing propaganda machine now. Bye TikTok, it was fun while it lasted

So Trump’s party pushed for the ban, Trump’s Supreme Court endorsed it and Biden said he wouldn’t enforce it…

And yet Trump is the “hero”?

Are they gonna shill his meme coin while they’re at it?

Someone on tiktok complained and said “I was promised an American-free weekend” 😭😭

The thanking Trump directly over and over again is so unsettling. Whatever deals he’s been brokering with these tech companies is terrifying.

A more right-wing slant isn’t “A strong stand for the First Amendment” but go off

Trump was the one who said he wanted to ban it and now he wants to save it? That doesn’t make any sense. He is so wishy washy and I know money is involved so that he can get it out there to promote fascist propaganda.

I enjoyed my time on the platform and i was able to learn from so many creators. I found new hobbies to enjoy and I found a great community on there. However, I will not be redownloading when he brings it back. I can go on Tumblr or stay on Reddit for my social media fix.

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This same Donald Trump right here?

Nope. Whatever they’re doing to it while it’s “down”, I want no parts of whatever bs is being “restored”. My TikTok died last night and I will not be resurrecting it.

Not redownloading that’s for sure

*TikTok is in the process of actively promoting MAGA propaganda.

Someday I dream of a future for this country where people actually understand what the first amendment means and protects.

I mean it’s definitely not going to happen but I dare to dream.

This shit’s exhausting and I don’t even have TikTok.

It was all a set up.

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