TIL Matthew Shepard is interred at the Washington National Cathedral

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She walks the walk as it should be. What a courageous Christian, living it on a daily basis!

I think I had heard that he was interred there, but the story just made me cry, I had no idea. That poor sweet boy and his family.

A true Christian.

That a really awesome gesture and the world needs more of it, not the desire to push people apart under the guise of national security.

The national cathedral is a wonderful place, and fyi you can watch their services online!

Sheโ€™s amazing. Iโ€™m glad Matthew Shepard has a good resting place. What happened to him was a tragedy.

this very nice gesture really made me smile today and the world could really need more good people like her

She’s a good and decent person.

We need to check the “Trump” Bible to see if this is in them. The eye rolling and knowing looks between Trump and Vance tells so much. There was no respect. Sad.

# The Beatitudes

^(2)ย Andย he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:

^(3)ย โ€œBlessed areย the poor in spirit, forย theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

^(4)ย โ€œBlessed areย those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.

^(5)ย โ€œBlessed are theย meek, for theyย shall inherit the earth.

^(6)ย โ€œBlessed are those who hunger andย thirstย for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.

^(7)ย โ€œBlessed areย the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.

^(8)ย โ€œBlessed areย the pure in heart, forย they shall see God.

^(9)ย โ€œBlessed areย the peacemakers, forย they shall be calledย sons^([)[^(a)](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew%205:2-12&version=ESV#fen-ESV-23244a)^(])ย of God.

^(10)ย โ€œBlessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness’ sake, forย theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

^(11)ย โ€œBlessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falselyย on my account.ย ^(12)ย Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, forย so they persecuted the prophets who were before you.

It keeps getting better, she is a GD icon.

Truly a good person.
If such a thing as a blessing exists, I hope the world can bless this Reverend.

She is shining example of someone who has empathy and humanity

This woman is whatโ€™s good about America and Americans. Not all of us are cruel and inhumane.

love that my father was all about this priest “spitting” in Trumps face but typical Christian Conservative he is he agrees that she is evil because of this. that it isnt a proper church anymore for putting this guys ashes in there. no love like christian hate.

His death hit me hard when it happened. The pain he endured was unimaginable. I’m glad that he’s still held in love and memory and he will not rest alone.

She did this and Trump buried his first wife on his golf course to get out of paying taxes.

This is the drum beat she needs to hit every second, every chance she gets. Once only goes so far. This is a war. Sheโ€™s on the front lines.

May she continue to be an incredible beacon for good while such a thing continues to exist in the USA.


Odd to see โ€œforever homeโ€ used this way, only ever heard that in the context of pet adoption, just pointing it out. But nice to see they found an honorable final resting place, RIP

I’ve always been like.. Man do what makes you happy if others also consent. I’m happy for you if you find yourself. Life is for living, and only those who haven’t found their way judge

Today is as good a time as ever to donate to The Matthew Shepard Foundation and watch The Laramie Projectย 

My heart โค๏ธ bleeds for him and his parents!

I wouldnt put it beyond trump to try to have him removed if this ends up on his radar for defiance or something


And this is the person he viciously attacked.

She’s a good person. They’re gonna try to burn the witch anyway.

Loves the enemy to the US now.

Trivium even made a song about his murder called And Sadness will Sear

She represents Christianity the way God intended for it to be . Very proud of her for standing up for whatโ€™s right in the eyes of the Lord .

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