TIL that Americans don’t get paid vacation or get holidays. Gotdam.

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The US sucks when it comes to many things. Worker protections in particular are arguably barbarically poor for the amount of resources they have at their disposal.

U.S. isn’t a country, it’s a corporation. The government is owned by the billionaires.

I read a post once. Guy went down to Mexico to ask the locals about the cartels, about why they’ll never go away. She told him that it’s because of the United States. It’s because Americans consume more recreational illicit drug than anywhere else in the world. More than anyone. She said, “There’s a sickness of the soul there”.

And she’s right. And it’s this right here. This is why we’re sick. Because we’re giving too much of ourselves. We give without being able to fill back up. We give life. And we don’t fill it back up. And we use whatever we can to fill the hole it leaves.

Richest nation in the world. And we work ourselves too sick to live.

Sent my daughter to Uni in Scotland. She graduated and has her first job. She gets 28 days paid vacation. It’s the minimum legally allowed.

If you make me work 1 year with no breaks i will kill myself in the spot, no fucking way, I’m from Spain and I have 37.5 h / week shift, 3 weeks paid vacations in Agoust, 15 days in Christmas + 10 days in April, and i still need more, I dont know how people from the USA are happy

I work two jobs one as a CNC machinist one as a laser and edm machinist. I work from 6am to 230pm come home, mow the lawn cook dinner and go back to work until 11pm plus weekends at my second job. My first job offers a max of 3 weeks vacation after ten years. My second job offers none but you can take unpaid time off whenever you like. I use my vacation to work full time through the week to have a weekend off. My family hates me and I have nothing to show for it but a car and a house that I never truly own. Welcome to America.

My job gives us holidays off… we just have to work over the weekend instead 😀

3rd world country tbh

Land of the free, home of the sick to death

Its a scam, always has been

I’ve never had a full-time job that didn’t give some form of PTO as policy, but actually scheduling it at some places was never going to happen. When I was at Circle K, for example, my schedule time off could be revoked at any time based on staffing so i absolutely was not going to spend money on an actually vacation package that I might not get to use.


No guarantees PTO, holidays, termination notice, etc.
Also they love overly restrictive Non Compete Agreements that effectively make you unable to work for anyone for sometimes up to 2 years, as my state does.

America sucks. Do not move here.

My first job out of college I received 10 vacation days. 8 of them had to be spent on lang wide shutdown periods, meaning I had two free vacation days a year. After 5 years I got another week.

I returned to work after having a baby and went back to 2 weeks. All those days were spent mostly when the kids came down sick. My husband and I would take turns caring for them and using our days. I didn’t have a legitimate vacation day for a two year stretch.

My current job started me out with three weeks and now I am at 4 and due to get 5 in a few years. It’s wonderful to have so much time.

Wait until you find out about our health care!

its cute this considers the US an “Advanced Economy”. Yes….. so advanced….

Things are about to get a whole lot worse. The find out phase is coming.

The best part is that since our minimum wage is miniscule, even when most people DO get paid time off, they can’t afford to go anywhere or do anything


I’ve only had a vacation once in my adult life. I’m in my 30s.

I think I would go mentally insane if I wouldn’t have my 5 weeks per year, which sometimes also feels like too little.

But my egg prices.

I actually was under the impression that even if they rarely did earn it, it was basically made impossible to claim or use any of it without finding themselves essentially fired upon return.

Businesses where you are simultaneously needed so bad you can’t even stay home if you are sick, but if they fire anyone for it they won’t ever replace them and just pass all the work on to anyone unlucky enough to have to stay.

Don’t ever wanna hear anyone say ‘America is the land of opportunity’ or ‘American dream’ again. Its the most preposterous bullshit statement.

I literally hate this nation. 33 years old and grew up in this bs.

Every job I’ve had points me for being sick. Every day you’re gone. Got a doctors note to prove it? Cool, we’ll just give you one point. You hit 6 and you’re fired.

Fuck a country that refuses to step in and correct this. 🇺🇸

Land of the Free…

free of workers rights

free of proper health care

free of proper education funding

free of fundamental citizen rights

free of free speech (they have censors in their live broadcastings and beep everything that could be offensive or sexual)

and free of proper funding for infrastructure… like roads, power lines, heating etc. At least the military gets a funding of ~740 billion USD

Land of the Free


No guaranteed meal breaks or rest breaks either. As a nurse in non union states, I often worked 14 hours with no lunch and a “break” of taking 90 second to run to the bathroom.

Oh, and we’re not allowed to even drink water at our work stations either.

Yeah. Place is a failed experiment tbh.

The US was created by wealthy landowners who did not want to pay taxes and then they stole a bunch mote land through war and genocide.

The American people are cage-free slaves.

Sometimes I get jealous of american salaries. Then I remember that they spend half their paycheck on healthcare and overpriced cars, and don’t get holidays (and also all the other things about America) and I thank god I wasn’t born there

Also, you get a limited number of sick days? And that’s a thing you negotiate? Wtf is wrong with America

Wdym only one? Canada doesn’t either

That’s because it’s the ‘Land of the Free’ where people are free to be slaves.

I’m sick and tired of being oppressed into taking time off.

What are these “paid vacations” and “paid holidays” of which you speak? Are they a type of animal? Vegetable? Mineral? Are you simply speaking gibberish? Don’t make me feel foolish.

When can we make like the French and grab our pitch forks !!!??????? We all need to collectively agree on ONE DAY where NO ONE goes to work or even shop at corporations.

A lot of us do still get it, it’s just not legally required which is still fucked

I haven’t had a “vacation” since I was furloughed in 2021

I treat my PTO as an ‘exit bonus’

Sam’s club takes away your pto to give you “holiday pay”. You can request unpaid holidays, but then yeah, it’s unpaid, lol.

I’ve worked for a few places like this in the US. I’ve never worked for a temp agency that paid me during a holiday when we got time off either. I used to work for TTEC and they would pay me $100 extra as a holiday bonus for working on a holiday then they’d cut my hours during the pay period and that would cut down my paycheck in the end. Nothing like working half days and having less money. Thanks guys, really appreciated that.

Wow I’m spoiled. I had no idea. In my state they not only give vacation and holidays, but they also have to give sick time too. It’s not perfect, but apparently some states have it much worse.

Vacation and paid holidays are seen as “perks” here to get people out of low paying jobs. BUT, 95%+ of the jobs that offer these “perks” now require degrees to get in the door.

Now with all of the fake job ads so companies can get benefits for “hiring”, it’s insanely difficult to find a new job.

All jobs should offer these basic things, but they don’t care if we get burnt out from work. They make it so hard to survive that you have no choice but to work yourself into an early grave.

There really needs to be change. But that’s only going to happen violently. It’s already started, which is why that terrorism charge is being tacked on. Buckle up, because this is going to be a ride…

It’s not a legal requirement but is still offered by the majority of full time jobs.

Not all. I get 6 weeks paid vacation, 8 holidays, and a 25% bonus.

Recently the company I work for made me full time. Per the employee handbook, FT employees are supposed to get unlimited PTO and paid holidays.

The payroll manager said two weeks of PTO (which??? is that two business weeks aka ten days or two full weeks as in fourteen days??? never explained) and starting Jan 1st I’m eligible to be paid 1.5x for holidays, but I don’t get them off paid. Really fucking pissed me off. Gee thanks, you’re giving me the “privilege” of what my last four other jobs gave me no matter if I was PT or FT.

No paid sick leave required either, most places.

or parental leave. it’s a bit of a shithole country if one isn’t, y’know, filthy rich.

It’s why I really wanna move to New Zealand

Wait till you hear about tech companies that offer unlimited PTO. Then if you take any time off you are ostracized and not promoted because you’re not a hard worker. 

Sure we do, and we have lots of options. Doordash, Uber Eats, Instacart, etc.

It is nuts.

I’m a server in the States. I never take days off ever. Also never take vacations because doing so would mean I’m missing out on money. I think I’ve called off once in about 5 years now. I’ve taken only one vacation in the past 12 I’ve been with my company. Now I do only work 4 days a week so I got that going for me which is nice lol It still sucks not being able to take a break occasionally. I’m finally about to take my second vacation in May to Japan and that will probably be the last one for a little while again.

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