Tim Cooked him with that one

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He said
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how did he not expect that

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My boy thought no one would notice

Ah rookie minimalist mistake. Gotta get the same cut turtleneck in different colors and then simply rotate.

Also nice headline OP 👌🏾

When I wore a trench coat one time to work and everyone spend at least two weeks calling me “Columbine!”

At least he didn’t say Black Steve Jobs 🤣😂


Dude acting like he didn’t get off BIG TIME as soon as dude called him “Steve Jobs”. Erlich Bachman was more subtle.

Minimalist fashion has maximum consequences.

Dude bought turtlenecks for the same reason Steve Jobs did and didn’t expect that comment?

Better than being called a James Bond villain
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It’d be even worse if he was bald and wearing those turtlenecks. He’d look like a busted condom.


I guess I did that but with white button downs and tan pants

Title is plus Max

The last time I wore a turtleneck was back in 1989… 8th grade. They called me gay and beat my up in the boys restroom. I wore a turtleneck for the first time last Christmas and my boyfriend beat me up.

I wore a red shirt and khakis ONCE and folks was leaving walkie talkies at my desk like I was a Target employee every time I was gone for more than 2min!!!

“Yeah, don’t only eat fucking fruit all the time and take your cancer medication”

Turtleneck Bros simultaneously feel attakt for looking like Jobs and lacking the Apple billions. 2fer insult!!!
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I have spent years not pairing my black turtlenecks with jeans or blue pants to avoid any comment like this.

I would also like to congratulate you on that title, well done

Can we appreciate the title? Fucking hilarious.

Thought he had that Carl Thomas look 🤣

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Tim Cooked? I see what you did there!

Tim Cook is Steve Job’s best and most brilliant product.

Get different colours then like dark black and slightly darker black.

Is the HR thing a joke? Seems like… an overreaction. Am I wrong?


That sound like something I’d say to the turtleneck guy.

I would have had to turn off my camera and mute my mic if I were in that meeting

if you chose a black turtleneck and you where thin wireframe glasses, what exactly did you think would happen?

This is the world telling me to not buy all the turtlenecks in my cart right now lmfao

I understand the urge to get sets of clothes so you don’t have to consider your wardrobe, but.. turtlenecks? Homeboy was asking for it.

That felt like a hate crime



I have a friend who does this, but with a blue polo. Yeah, sometimes be looks like he works at Best Buy when he wears Khakis, but that is way more inconspicuous than a turtleneck. 

Turtlenecks in the fall/winter and polos in the spring/summer is the way to go

Tell em you’re more a Sterling Archer kinda guy

Jobs got that idea from Einstein, who figured out that he was too much of a genius — a real genius, as opposed to an Apple sales jockey — to waste any time or stress on picking an outfit every day.

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