Time and time again they show you why people say that ACAB

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Is it weird to say it looks like he has eaten a poop sandwich? It looks like he took a bite and is trying to not taste it.

But he does not need to be back in uniform.

There is just an whole epidemic of lack of empathy lately plus with this conservative trend I’m predicting with 2025s- late 20s these articles will keep popping up 😭

What in the ever loving fuck is going on in the states

Cop is a job where you actually fail upwards

There should be an online, public database. With pictures and offenses for each and every one of these characters.

He should be fed shit everywhere he goes.

That face….


Maybe his new neighbors will bake him a pie or two.

Ya know, sometimes violence really is the answer…

just commented about this two minutes ago. If not for the wildfires this would be all over social media

What is stopping civilians from making a record of these bad cops?

I am surprised NYP would report on that

To have so much hate in your heart….. Jesus

This country needs nation wide ethical standards and oversight for police officers Jfc

I live in San Antonio and that’s where this POS is from. I’m glad he’s no longer here, but I hate he’s still a cop

Any time Texas or Florida is in the title, I automatically believe whatever crazy shit is about to be said, and any ounce of surprise leaves my body

May the spirit of Luigi find this man 

I used to cling to hope and tell myself people are better than their worst moments, but this story just…

It’s horrifying that someone could degrade another human being so casually—and then get rewarded with another badge. I’m drained. I don’t even have room left to be shocked anymore.

I wonder why so many people seem to lack compassion and empathy for others?

In any other profession he would not be able to get a job and possibly get shit kicked out of him, but since he’s a cop he would probably get promoted

This bloke willingly donated feces to a vulnerable person, told him it wasn’t poo, insisted the homeless man eat it, got caught, got fired and was rehired and given a badge that says “I serve the vulnerable”?

That’s a weird fetish to have. Should’ve just stuck to the 2 girls 1 cup video

Personally, I think that it is bad to give people poop sandwiches.

To serve and defecate?

Police are high school Bullies who peaked in high school and sucked as soon as they graduated.





What ?!?!

First thought: What a piece of shit.
Second thought: He’s literally a shitty person.
Third thought: What kind of shit is this?!

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