Time For Jumping

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As my finger slipped in up to my knuckle, I began to realize that I had been pranked again. In fact, occupying one of my hands in this manner had instead made the game significantly more difficult.

Dude probably thinks fictional characters can’t lie.

Probably believes Godrick is actually the Lord of all things Golden because he said he was.

“because the ground told him to” is probably the single funniest way you could describe it

This reminds me of something funny I’ve heard, where Japanese players would read messages from English speakers that said “fort, night!” and get really confused because they thought it meant something cool would happen at a specific fort at night. When in reality it was just fucking Fortnite jokes.

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Elden Ring: 60 hours in, and the messages still make you question your life choices.

It’s really funny because I’ve found items and avoided dangers quite a few times because of messages

Dude was probably told to write 30 filler articles by the end of the week and raked his brains to find things that would get clicks (and therefore ad revenue).

Plot twist: Dude was laid off anyway because it’s a bloodbath out there.

(I’m kidding but also not, this is how these sites make their money, quantity over quality and clockwork layoffs.)

Pile of letters surround a tortoise


Try jumping

To play devil’s advocate: ladder and lever messages

I think fromsoft’s message system is hilarious and genius and I wish more games had limited communication options that force players to be creative while also ensuring that all messages are appropriate in the context of the game world

So just… turn them off? I do it for all Souls games because I like to play in a silo. Gaming for me is for escaping the other people.

It’s really not that hard. For a “gaming journalist” you’d think they know how to change their settings to disable it.

If you played the game for 60 hours and still got trolled by a “time for jumping” message that’s just a glaring evidence of severe skill issue and the only medicine for it is “git gud”

Ah yes. Someone who doesn’t understand the communities sense of humor and doesn’t know you can play offline so they’re gone.


Elden Ring really out here teaching us to never trust anyone, not even the floor.

Liar ahead

Even if some messages tell you to walk off a cliff or hit a wall, I’ve been saved by them more times than I can count

I did in fact die many times due to reading a message and thinking “eh why not”

But instead of being so mad that i write a whole article, i simply laughed and moved on

60 hours isn’t even that long, you can spend 60 hours in limgrave easy on a first play through

How to tell everyone you’re not in on the fun.

What a wet blanket.

I do think we’re at the point where messages are barely worth having beyond “tradition”, I just ignore them as a rule now. don’t think I’ve written one since Bloodborne.

Patches would be so proud of us

It’s always 50/50 for helpful /troll messages, it is what it is lol. You either get used to it or just play offline

He should “try finger but hole”.

Down required ahead.

Based Rimmy

If there’s a sea of bloodstains around one of those msssages, it’s probably a good indicator it’s trolling.

I’m curious if there was any environmental storytelling with bloodstains, or if he was the only person who fell for the trick.

Dog ahead.

This is literally would you jump off a cliff if someone told you to.

And apparently the answer is a resounding yes.

It’s SO obvious when a message is tongue in cheek messing with you, and if you’re not sure you can toss rainbow stones over an edge to check if a fall will kill you.

This guy either ran out of article ideas or is just plain terrible at games.

I bet he’s the guy leaving “liar ahead” everywhere

Wonder how many times he tried fingering his butt hole


Or beast

I didn’t know this was referring to Elden Ring at first. I thought this happened in real life.

To be fair, the community could stand to be a little more original sometimes. The 40th fort,night is not quite as funny.

Dude got his pickle stuck in a corpse.

This guy’s poor but, hole…

the amount of times “be wary of…” has saved my ass

Illusionary wall ahead

Illusionary wall ahead therefore time for jumping



suicide does not work and the game won’t explain why

After jumping off the starting area, I switched to offline mode and mostly forgot about the messages.

Kinda agree with it. When did the dlc came out I got so annoyed at the beggars message 80% of all messages I read were “let there be healing” or something like that.

It made me just start ignoring all the messages I saw

To be honest, though, the signal-to-noise ration on messages has been horrible since the very first game and they’ve never really tried at a fix for it. For every one “invisible wall ahead” there’s 50 “Try tongue but hole”s. The permanent, dev-placed messages in places they deem it necessary kind of undermine the whole system, too, by showing they don’t have any real confidence in it to be a hint, a hand or a signpost when it actually needs to be.

It feels like something they’ve never gotten to *truly* work, but it’s part of the studio’s/genre’s DNA to the point they can’t omit it.

I’m recovering from a cold so I’m not thinking straight, but I no shot just stared at that text for like 3 minutes confused without realizing it’s an elden ring post. I just thought some crazy guy tried to kill himself and thought the ground was telling him to do it.

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