Tiny wooden blocks used at an indoor playground instead of sand.

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Hopefully they’re very light or those kids will 100% use them as projectiles.

Looks like a herd of wombats shat on the floor.

Looks like a major choking hazard, depending on the precise size

I do not fancy the idea of liquids soaking into these.

they look like unpainted dice

I’m guessing this is for older children? Because all I’m seeing is a baby/toddler choking hazard.

Imagine stepping on one.

God, that sounds painful.

I bet you it makes a way cooler sound to use the excavator toys with than sand

Can you imagine the frustration of a child trying to make a sandcastle in this.

Choking hazard

Are these not choking hazards?

I know what’s on your mind and YES your cat will shit in it.

Minecraft has gone too far

Damn, that must have been expensive af.

Lil Jimmy likely eats 30 of those a day,

pellets, They are very useful to heat if on fire.

smoked children. Tasty.

Like the dried corn box and toy tractors at the state fair.

After having sand thrown in my eyes by a toddler I would prefer these blocks

I thought it was cork but still interesting

When my son was a toddler, the kids cafés in S. Korea had these little pits. I was mostly worried he would choke on them. But he seemed to have fun digging through them with the toys.

Perfect for Little Tommy to shove right up his nose.

Kiddie Litter!

They have a giant pit of these at Me Land Club in Xiamen, China. My 3 year old loved them, and she didn’t put them in her nose. We would get a bunch back home in her pockets, though.

Nice and fire resistant, just like sand…. oh wait

Useful if kids spread them all over the place

You can just burn them

Little Amigos Play Centre @ Canberra Outlet?

This would definitely backfire when some dumbass kids are going to try to eat them

Looks nostril sized. Have they ever met any k8ds?

I went to a play place with one of these recently. Can confirm it’s a bit uncomfortable to play/sit/walk around in as an adult, but you get used to it and learn to move in ways that distribute the pressure so it’s not as bad.

The place I went to had hinoki wood cubes. Hinoki wood has antibacterial properties and purifies air which makes great sense for a kids’ “sand pit” which these essentially are. Also, they’re very loud and heavy and make satisfying sounds when you play with them.

Looks painful, hard to clean/manage and like a child would eat it leading to choking.

Why would anyone use these over sand?

This looks awesome and I wish we could do stuff like this in the UK.

These look like 6 sided dice blanks and if so I don’t know about the rest of the world but I know this would never pass any regs in the UK as they are definitely not within the “safe sizing” guide for education/play equipment.

A private home can obviously have this but in NO way would this pass in a setting meant for child care.

Choking hazard

well that looks safe….

Wouldn’t they be painful to fall on?

Nostril sized?

Choking sized?


It’s going to take one spark and there will be a class of mesquite barbecued children.

Tbh I’d be worried about kids choking on those

They call it **Natural Selection**.

I see these getting eaten and getting very dirty

Oh my kid would have absolutely munched those down. The sand was bad enough.

Need to be age appropriate to avoid Choking risk

Yeah that’s not a choking hazard

Choking hazard?

Yeah that’s going right in the ear canal

Looks like a perfect choking hazard! Look up how large the trachea is for young children.

Looks cool but I imagine a major choking hazard

This photo feels creepy like ai

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