Tipping Culture getting out of hand day by day….

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$10.75 × 3 = $32.25. The total is also wrong. Engagement bait.

Also, no.

If you can’t pay your employees don’t open a restaurant.

I’m English, we only tip for exceptional service, and that’s completely optional.

“times it by 3” lol

When TF did it become standard to tip 30%?!?

I’m so glad this isn’t a thing in the UK, I will tip if I feel the staff member has gone above and beyond or been outstanding. It’s not a thing to give if they are being inattentive or lazy. I expect someone to go the extra mile for a tip, not just expect it.

Imagine feeling entitled to a 30% tip

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10.75 x 3 = get absolutely fucked by my calculations

You want 30% for scribbling my order on a notepad and remembering to breathe? Unless you carried my food across the Oregon Trail and lost three coworkers to dysentery on the way, you better sit down and take this 15% and reflect on your life choices.

Lol no.

If you can’t pay your servers… Don’t own a restaurant! ⭐️⭐️

You wanna be an asshole and say “if we can’t tip, don’t go out?” Then you don’t deserve 30% tip.

15% is more then generous.

1. The math is wrong

2. Is times 2

3. Tipping culture is just stupid, pay your employees

nope. 10% highest imma go, and nothing you can do about it.

By law, I’m only obligated to pay $107.53 and that’s what I will pay

The audacity

Absolutely not! A tip, which is actually optional, if earned is typically 10-20% not 30%

How about no

This is entitlement in full view. Tipping should ONLY be done when service is excellent and only for those industries where people are making minimum wage.

Why is the word “multiply” so difficult? Using the phrase “times it” is the calling card of a moron.

America is a hell of a drug
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Im not your boss ao go ask him for more money

I worked in a restaurant for years…. I am not giving you a 30% tip unless the service is exceptional and you do the work.

No food runner

You will follow up on how the meal is.

You will pre-bus the the table

You will bring the drinks

You will not try to upsell everything

You will not disappear and show up with the bill looking a tip.

Public school math right there

Fuck tipping. Pay your employees a livable wage

If you can’t pay your servers without tips, close your doors. Your business model is shit. You are a slum lord in a restaurant industry. Better yet, you work a month on “tips”, see if that doesn’t help change your mind

Tipping is an insult in some countries.

Many, many years ago, when I was 14 years old, was on a school trip to China, tried to tip and inadvertently upset the staff.

With all respect and understanding, kindly go fuck off. 

So, 30% or don’t bother. Thank you for making it easier to decide

30% tip is funny but I did learn a new trick to figure out the tip fast. I’ll just multiply by 2 though

“If you can’t pay your wait staff, don’t own a restaurant.”

Fuck off

0% standard
0% good
0% epic

It is place owner responsibility to pay proper wages for employees. Why would anyone pay more because some cheap ass mothefuckers underpay their stuff.
You guys in USA are really weird, are you giving a tip to a doctors if they cure you?
You just made food service full of toxic people only looking to be tipped for being there otherwise they treat you as criminal.

I like to do total * .15. Then grab that number and add it to the total.

I’ll do .18 if the service was good.

Sorry but it’s not my job to feel sorry for your job. You want better tips, blame the government.

If you need your servers to be tipped, pay them more.

Just pay people wages

*move decimal…*

*multiply.. by.. 3.*

K. Got it

If you cannot pay fair salaries to your employees – don’t open restaurant!

“Times it by” makes me crazy – it makes you sound ignorant – it’s even more rage inducing than acting like 30% is a normal tip

Just fucking pay your waiters and enact a solid and friendly work enviornment

Which is why I rarely if ever go out to eat. I cook better than most of the hacks in my town anyway.

I tip very well but if i saw that id leave restaurant. The owner is going out of business soon.

How soon till the “why is no one eating out anymore” videos come out?

So we are tipping 30% post tax now?!?

Not my problem, I shouldn’t have to pay your wages

I totally get that waitstaff and servers are paid shit and rely on tips to get by, but saying “If you can’t be bothered to tip 30%, don’t go out to eat” seems pretty counter-productive. So instead of getting my 15% tip, the struggling server gets … nothing?

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