To all stalkers exploring the Zone in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl โ€” Patch 1.0.1 is here.

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Seems like a massive patch, according to patch notes. Well done, Dev team. I can’t wait to jump back in.

Changes that jumped out to me:

– Weapons and armor repair cost is decreased.
– Money reward for most missions is increased from 2 to 3 times.
– Armor durability is increased by 12.5 percent
– Corrected flashlight behavior after saving/loading.
– Fixed inconsistencies with weapon and armor upgrade effects, including pricing and upgrade reversals.
– Slightly increased knife melee distance.
– Increased gamepad dead zones
– Reduced some mission itemsโ€™ weight

Good news, lets see if the door is open… ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)

Even bigger patch than I anticipated, good shit.

rip my 30+ mods though ๐Ÿ’€

Nice. Beefier than I expected. Although some of these notes are quite vague, what does “Fixed NPC behavior during encounters.” mean lol

Anyway, looks great. I see they mentioned a fix for the deadzone issue, thought that wouldn’t be coming until later, so that’s a nice surprise.

Thank you! Can’t wait to dive back in this evening ๐Ÿ™‚

The patch looks awesome. Great work, impressed at how much was included.

Cheeki Breeki !

Hopefully the endless dialogue loop at the chem plant is gonzo.

This is quite a big first patch, you can’t even call a “hotfix” , they were definitely cooking through the week.

What about performance issues?

Please keep the pissing bug in the game thank you it’s hilarious

Way more fixes than I was expecting. I hope they can address human enemy bullet sponginess in the future. I am eager to see how peopleโ€™s experiences are over this weekend to see which big bugs still remain.

What about the Xbox pass version on PC? I can’t see the update

finally no need to money glitch anymore in order to stop going bankrupt from repairs

Time to start a new game! Thank you GSC! ๐Ÿ‘Š๐Ÿผ

This is a pretty solid patch. I wasnโ€™t expecting the first one to be this large TBH.

โ€ข Fixed a bug that allows to sell items to the trader for more money that they actually cost

There goes the coupon bug, boys

Edit: Solder is still missing from The Hornets’ Nest

Honestly, the deadzone issue and repair costs was the only two things stopping me playing further into the story! I can live without better A-life for now, the game is good right now (with A-life it will be GREAT). Looking forward to getting back to it tonight.

I’m still having issues with the >!On The Edge!< mission. >!When I arrived in Zalissya, all the monolith soldiers were already dead in random places (mostly inside the main building). And now when I convince Hamster and his guard to return to the building, they both die instantly when walking into the building. As soon as they cross the threshold of the door, they just fall over dead. !<

More daylight for the love of god !! So tired of walking around with my happy meal flashlight in the dark

Thanks a lot for the patch though, really wasn’t expecting that much !

Reduced Boodsuckerโ€™s HP regeneration outside the combat.

They had hp regeneration?!?!?!

The emission crash was not fixed, my longest run is still bricked. Some think it is related to picking up the Weird Bolt, probably best to avoid it for now.

Cheap artifacts are now worth 12000 up from 7500 previously, top-tier ones are 70k up from 60k, can’t remember the mid-tier prices.
Ratios for selling are slightly higher but not insanely so, from like 0.345 of base value to 0.36 at least for my current save, RIP full price bug though.

They also fixed the SSP-100I Survey’s Lead Container upgrades, I can delete my hand-crafted mod that did the same thing yay.

Edit: Normal/Middle Difficulty

Also blew myself up with grenades for a bit to check repair costs, not very accurate since I can’t remember the values from 1.0 but it’s like 1/2 – 2/3 of what it used to for armor at least.

Edit2: I just realised that due to the increase in durability for armor, the ratio is even better. If I had to repair 20% damage before now I only have to repair 20% / 1.125 = ~18% damage, and the price per 1% is lower to begin with.


When will the patch hit XBOX game pass for PC?

Itโ€™s nice to see how much effort was immediately put into the community response. Love the game regardless of the bugs. Good job team โ™ฅ๏ธ

Dead zone fix makes the game infinitely better. Thank you!

Any ETA on Game Pass patch?

That patch is huuuuge, seems like the whole list of greviances other than A-life is addressed – so they can finally work on that

Thank you for making it easier on the easiest difficulty. I’m Gen X and need all the help I can get with those mutants. lol

Unfortunately, after installing the patch, the game crashes every time I get caught in an anomaly and the message appears:

Unhandled Exception: EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION reading address 0x0000000000000108

What’s wrong?

No CPU performance fixes :-(?

A lot of good changes here. I didn’t see anything related to the draw distances or spawning NPCs though. Maybe a larger fix is needed for that.

Awesome! Looks like a solid start. I had to stop playing until this was released. The AI pinpoint aim was driving me crazy.

It’s a good start. I hope they improve CPU performance in the next patch.

my day just went from bad to good ๐ŸคŸ


Brilliant first patch, didn’t expect this much tbh. Great job, now hopefully stealth will be improved in the following patches, because the enemy detection can be crazy. You get spotted through walls and it’s almost impossible to sneak around unnoticed. Outside of A Life and Stealth the game should be pretty solid now. Thanks a lot!

did it fix persomance issues for anyone?

Well … That’s what I meant when I said I trust GSC die delivering.ย 
GG, can’t wait this evening m/

still can’t defeny zalissya xD

I just read through the patch notes and so many things that I’ve already encountered that they’re fixing I’m so proud to play a game where the devs actually care about improving it and where they actually listen to the community

Gore ? Blood ?

How long will it take to get to the PC game pass version?

I was just about to sit down and play , gonna hold off now until the update drops but I am so excited to jump back into the zone,

Havenโ€™t put the game down since and Iโ€™m loving every second of it, kudos to you guys keep up the hard work ๐Ÿ˜Ž

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