To give you an idea of just how large Saturn’s “hexagon” storm is

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But.. why is it hexagonal?

I thought we used banana for scale.

Of course it’s the USA at the centre of everything again

So looks like it could fit the whole Earth in then, that would have been a more interesting comparison.

Sooo, roughly 13 America’s tall and wide. Roughly 169 Americas in volume, that’s a whole lot of freedom to be had!

Americans will literally use their own country for scaling but will refuse to use the metric system.

Edit: Dear Americans, the above statement is a joke.

You should see the bees then.

It has like earth sized sides.

Not as bad as England weather. UK is like hold my beer.

Just a stupid question have this Storm something like substorms? 😅

The new American unit of measurement just dropped?? That’ll be about 87 United States, I presume

So… it’s big?

This does not help, sincerely, an Australian.

The US putting itself at the centre again!

I recognize that! It’s the storm my grandparents had to cross through to get to school when they were children. 

Yes but how many football fields?

Thought this was a meme about how Americans see themselves as the centre of the world before reading the title

Is this supposed to be a freedom units joke?

What the storm would look like if it were located at the center of the universe.

psshhh.. naaah. America is the centermost planet in the universe, it’s gotta be bigger. It takes hours to travel from state to state!

does saturn have oil btw?

Why not use Earth’s instead lol

I don’t think Europeans quite understand how big the United States is.

This is pretty American-centric

Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V.

Almost as big as Texas

Where’s Moe’s Bar?

Not in football fields, still can’t understand.

Somehow this makes it feel smaller than I thought…

Dont make pictures like this. Americans will think they live on Saturn on something.


I always knew Saturn was America.

Ok but what about compared to Texas?

Yeah but how many 3.5 month old giraffes is that?

What about the inverse? If Earth has this hexagon storm, how big would it be proportional to Earth?

Imagine earth is Saturn size and we’re only allowed to play in the hexagon part because we got kicked out of the rest 😹

We need that Cantore fellar down on the streets of Saturn to give us the blow by blow.

TIL the United States of America exists on Saturn

It can fit 3 whole Saturns in it

How many football fields is that?

SCP 2793 knows nothing of “storms”.

Ship me off to there. I want to go to there. Please.

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