To self-hate or to self-glaze? That is the question.

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I somehow manage to do both at the same time, I’m something of a Schrƶdinger’s asshole.



Is that you?

Self-glaze doesnā€™t bring out self hate but self hate can lead to self glaze

One is more annoying to people than the otherĀ 

I’m much more firmly in the self-hate bracket, unless I’m in my wheelhouse of the like three things I actually feel like I’m good at

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice.”

~Geddy Lee

Everyone is stupid, it’s the human disorder. We’re really just animals that like to pretend we’re not animals

I think that’s narcissism.

the eternal struggle of being both a trash fire and a god

Ah, a fellow bipolar

My toxic trait is I think Iā€™m better than people but I hate myself. Therefore I hate everyone and think ima piece of shit

Self reflect

Me thinks you may also be bipolar. I find this too relatable to not think it’s bipolar

I got something worse, being just good enough at something for people to turn to you to solve related problems but not good enough to actually answer their expectations

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