To the Left, A Man Without a Suit – To the Right, A Suit Without a Man

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*300 lbs of shit and vomit in a suit

Zelensky is bigger man than any european or american politician since maybe the end of the cold war.

Orange turd.

To the right, a man without a soul

Guy on the left looks like he’s ready to throw a fist into the weird orange face.

Or a soul…

Trump and Vance are small men, hiding behind big titles.

I know for a fact the one on the right has multiple law suits

It’s beginning to look like this little maneuver may have backfired for dump and his fat-faced bootlick. It’s hard to think of a situation in which the contrast between a heroic and admirable true leader and a gutless fraudulent orange sack of shit has been highlighted more sharply

I’ve never been more embarrassed to be an American. We literally have the dumbest leader in the world. There’s no head of state more stupid than Trump.

The only president who has never beaten a male candidate in a presidential race.

It’s probably never been pointed out to him that way, and you know it would just eat him up to have that constantly pointed out.

Here here!

Nailed it 100%!

So true.

Well said!!!

A draft dodger berating a war hero.

**Show Ukraine Your Support:** ❤️

To the left the real leader of the free world

Damn that a good one

Trump has damaged the Reputation of the USA. 

And with this He also kinda destroyed everything He worked for to end the Ukraine war.

Zelenskjy would only sign the contracts now, If Trump would apologize in Public and Change the contracts in favor of Ukraine 

What’s that orange thing on top of the suit?

Trump has no spine

To the lefty, a man representing his people – to the right, an Emperor with no clothes

First real man that’s stepped into the Oval Office in a while.

Some real team up potential there.



If I was wearing diarrhea-looking spray on my face I would get kicked out of any meeting immediately.

Creative title, I like that one 😁

Ne insanlar gördüm üstünde elbise yok, ne elbiseler gördüm icinde insan yok.


Title of the Week

If he showed up in a suit they would ask if all the military aid went to stock his wardrobe.

To Become a billionaire and 2 time president, it takes a man

Guy on the left is so epic no one makes a suit that befits him. The cut of the suit of the guy on the right shows he has never earned a place at the table.

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