Today In Lower Manhattan

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Weird rust pattern.

Can’t tell if this is supposed to be anti-Nazi or pro-Nazi…

The world we live in today…

That’s just roman rust


I saw a Cybertruck with graffiti all over it in Indianapolis

I hope Tesla and Twitter go bankrupt. Tesla deserves to go banrkupt if the employees and shareholders choose not to force Elon musk out. Fire him and make him divest his shares/owership

Americans, please actually do something that’s going to save your country. Drawing a swastika on a cyber truck isn’t going to convince anyone who isn’t already convinced. Elon probably gets off on this type of stuff. You’re up against a literal cult, you won’t be able to sway supporters of this lunacy with any form of logic, reasoning, sign holding, protesting, or common sense. Dark times ahead.

You are living through a historical moment. Don’t be passive.

wow lets break and vandalize things that belong to random people, so courageous so brave.

So many redditors will see this and think it’s badass lmao

Looks about reich.

Talking smack is one thing but vandalism is never cool.

I don’t support this but it is WAY the fuck down the list of things that bother me

I don’t like those “trucks” but I don’t support vandalizing someone’s property because I don’t like their vehicle. Now they have to deal with getting that off of their vehicle and being seen with it until they do, because someone doesn’t like the maker of their vehicle.

Wait until people find out about VW

Wow vandalizing someone’s property will surely own the Nazis!

This trend makes no sense. Why destroy someone else’s property just because you disagree with the political views of the CEO of the company that made it?

If you think this is cool you are 🗑️.

Regardless of your position on how ethical this action is… it’s likely to be effective.

A lot of people don’t want their consumption goods to be a subject of controversy. Sure, a minority will buy the good specifically to make the controversial opinion known, but not the majority that drives popular consumption

I think a lot of the reason the Bud Light back lash worked is because people would rather order some other watery beer than make a political statement of any kind , regardless of the content of the original argument

Same reason you don’t see mink coats anymore, the cans of red paint worked

It’s not even vandalism at this point it’s advertising 

This needs to stop.

People bought a car you don’t like made by a person you don’t like. That doesn’t give you the right to damage property.


I don’t agree with destroying private property

Is that a customization they now offer?

Wait until they hear about Henry ford


Aww heil no

Imagine being this mad that corruption is being uncovered…….

Ironic how progressives rally behind swastika graffiti


The Left is just so tolerant today! The Left is today’s Brown Shirts. Oh, the irony

This is fucked up. This is someone’s property

If I caught someone doing this to my car because they had a problem with the CEO of the company that made it, I would strangle them on the sidewalk lol.

Who goes around vandalizing other people’s property over shit like this?

It’s like seeing a McDonald’s bag in someone’s car, so you feel justified in smashing their car window, because McDonald’s has contributed to a lot of people “getting fat” or something lol

Last time I checked Nazis killed millions of people and that’s what we’re comparing these people to… kinda nuts.

destroying someone else’s property just because you don’t agree with something is just plan wrong

They obviously do not know anything about the NSDAP and the atrocities committed by them 80-90 years ago.
Calling someone you disagree with a Nazi takes away from the gravity of what they did.
It amazes me how ignorant and easily led some people are.


People hate Elon musk so much anyone that buys a cybertruck even if they’re the nicest person in the world is being targeted just cuz they hate this dude

I mean spot on.

I figured if these continue it will be an insurance nightmare to own one. Please continue.

Vandalizing people’s expensive car is crazy. I’d lose my damn mind. Elon is a singular person.

Unhinged leftists at it again

I’m sure vandalizing people’s property will absolutely get them to vote for us next time.

We’ll really win them over by doing this, and definitely won’t get them to double down on their dislike of us.

People are dumb

It is very immature to Vandalise private property of other people

Turns out the owner of the truck is Jewish. Awkward.

Garbage people doing garbage things.

It’s the new Kanye inspired paint job

looks like someone called it as they see it

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