Today is not a good day for that kinda foolishness

By NYstate
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This is a new, diabolical level of fucked up

Sorry, what’s the context for this? Aside from insurance companies being as evil and insidious as possible?

So do I have to wake up and pay for another hour of anesthesia or will my doctor give me a towel to bite on at the halfway point

Too bad if you wake up during a knee reconstruction little Timmy. Cough up the difference or we’ll sell one of your kidneys whilst we’re at it

I don’t want to get too far into the details, but what they did was tell providers that they are only going to pay based on the CMS guidelines for a procedure. So, if the procedure is supposed to be four hours and takes five, the provider only will be paid for four. This is similar to your primary care provider only getting paid a flat rate based on the guidelines for your appointment rather than billing for the actual time they spend with you.

This isn’t supposed to affect the actual work the doctor does or the time spent, just billing. Then again, the same sort of rules are why so many psychiatrists don’t accept any insurance.

Welp…time to shoot another CEO I guess?

On the bright side, this has now taught people that rich millionaires/billionaires/trillionaires are not untouchable. Turns out, bullets work very well.

Y’all aren’t serious about anything 😂😭

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They play with families’ lives and thought they were untouchable. In the end, everyone gets what’s coming to them.


Oh I see these healthcare CEOs want to learn the hard way

When people have nothing to lose or their family member dies because of some policy, fear of the law goes out the window.

We literally cheer on the protagonist in movies about this.

Will anything change? Probably not.

What’s going on with the news?

bro had the silencer ready an everything

Work at a rival company, they went on today about this being a tragedy that will affect millions. I don’t wish death on anyone but CEOs and capitalists banking multi million dollar payouts annually while constantly cutting basic coverage should’ve seen this coming.

I’m really astounded by how the predominant reaction to the UHC CEO getting murdered has been, more or less, “had it coming.”

I don’t disapprove mind you. I’m just kind of amazed that barely any one can be bothered to make with the usual pleasant sympathies and jumped straight to pissing on his corpse.


The ceo for United Healthcare was literally assassinated today so i wouldn’t play games

Literally what is the fucking point of health insurance anymore?

Will this be considered malpractice?

The CEO’s name is Gail Koziara Boudreaux, for anyone who… lets just say interested.

Edit: Changed to correct person. Kim Keck is likely just bad tho

Real Black Mirror shit, its only a matter of time before they put bounty on their heads. 

*Slowly off in the distance the intro to Crime Mob’s “Knuck if you Buck” begins to fade in as the temperature in the room suddenly spikes*

People who have been denied coverage for life-saving procedures have absolutely nothing to lose.  These CEOs forget that. 

I got charged for the blood work I took for my yearly physical.

When I called and asked my health insurance why that was, they said my blood work did not count as being preventative.

What is a yearly physical checkup if not preventative..

Shooter sitting on his citibike in the middle of Central Park loading up another round as we speak. SMDH.

Imagine being under and awakened to swipe your credit card. This country is so full of shit.

Remember, if you see someone murdering an exec who likely caused the deaths of thousands of people by pushing his employees to deny every possible insurance claim, and sometimes let AI deny them needed medical care, NO YOU DIDN’T!

Can’t blame anyone if everyone wants to get em 🤣

What the hell even is America

This is one of the reasons I really get a bittersweet feeling when Trump gets elected. These CEOs have always been shitty people, and they’ve always looked at us like cash cows. Every time Trump has gotten elected, more and more of them have shown just how shitty of people they are. I’ve been a conspiracy theorist all of my life, and I’ve been preaching to people for decades that big Pharma is a business and sees us as dollar signs. It’s like, I’d love to say I told you so but it’s not right cause they’re literally gonna fuck all of us.

There’s times when the press releases/statements/release notes are automatically scheduled, so they probably had someone in marketing/legal send that shit out well before the CEO news.

Too late to walk it back BUT if not for this image I’d never knew it existed…

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