Today’s calming image

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Fuck that

I think I’d throw a door mat right over it.

Put one of those boat float things on the keyring…

realtor ad: “this portal sucks away all the bad spirits as you enter and exit your new home”

A wire mesh perfectly fits this and still let the water drain.

That’s grate

My coworker just now: “why are you making that face? Are you upset about something?”

You very well may be so concerned with your keys that you don’t realize your phone also fits nicely through there.

Can we talk about the door handle, though?

Zoomed in on the image and was bothered by what looks like mannequin hands, AI, or a criminal who had to scrub their finger/hand prints.

Who thought of doing that?

Why are you pissing me off this early in the morning?

This is an AI-generated image. Fake.

Put some netting on that roster

Oh that’s so fucked..

As a former auto technician, a stick magnet(i call it a stick magnet) is very useful for these situation.

Get a bamboo doormat.

The solution: a real big key chain like on truck stop toilets

You need a fat $1 keychain that won’t fit through the cracks.

thanks reddit, I just need to get out of the house

Oh god. My keys would be gooooonnnneeee. I drop them all the time 🤦🏾‍♀️

Get a big door mat

If you hate that, consider how the photo was probably taken.

Everyone’s talking about the grate, while I’m distracted by how T H I C C that door handle is.

Looks like a great spot for a welcome mat

You better believe that ,each time I put my keys in, my heartrate looks like a Picasso painting

Doormat time.

Obviously, a welcome mat is needed. Though I would consider a keyless/pinpad entry lock, I got one somewhat recently and really like it.

Who thought of that? That’s a great idea

OP dropped the key immediately after taking this picture.

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