Too many kids but otherwise…

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Don’t know how long Trump tolerates Elon. Trump is such a narcissist guy. Doesn’t like other man shares the spotlight.

What’s their obsession with YMCA, you know… the song thats been a gay anthem since its inception?

And it’s clear the people closest to Trump worship him like a religious idol

Imagine actually wanting to hang out with Trump. I can’t even watch a video of him speaking that is over 30 seconds long without wanting to scream.

Also, YMCA is kind of a gay song

gotta keep tabs on his shiny new toy, orange monkey

It’s really impressive how the Village People, while being some of the most outwardly gay people, still trick homophobes nearly 50 years later without even trying.

That’s not a father, that’s a sperm donor.

That event looks like a social nightmare.

This is the equivalent of going to Thanksgiving with your boss and his family.

Yeesh 😬😬

Musk is like a 14 year old run amok. It’s genuinely pathetic. Thick as mud and absolutely terrified.

I’m just waiting for the drama, that will eventually happen, two huge egos will never work out in practice in the long run, and for that Trump is not the one losing out in this. (whether you hate or like the guy).

That compound he’s planning on living on with his family is gonna be one lonely place

Why does that thing keep blasting out a song by a team of homosexuals? Aren’t they the bad people?

money really doesn’t buy happiness, huh. this whole situation feels like a fever dream.

Proof that you don’t have to be poor to be white trash.

Thats just sad

Honestly, it’s wild that we’re still fighting for basic rights in 2024. Feminism isn’t just for women, it’s for everyone who believes in equality. Time to keep pushing for change! 🙌🌸

When did he become the most powerful tod.. ehh, man in the world?

Leon had to be there, he’s the first lady!

He still hasn’t gone home huh?

Musk’s kids are the happiest when he isn’t around them.

Did the flight attendant get her horse?



Every time I hear something about Elon musks kids the number just keeps getting higher, from 6 to 12 to 23 now lmao

He craves the attention that his family never gave him.

Larry the Liar.

Did I miss the memo?  Is YMCA a Thanksgiving song now?  And do they know who the Village People were?

Hell I thought he only had 12 kids. This dude just cannot keep it in his pants

God damn is Musk a loser.

I like watching Elon giving up every script of dignity he has to appeal to Trump.

He’s supposedly almost the richest man in the works, but when Trump taps him on the back he has to do all the hand motions to an old gay anthem to please a senile old man!

bruh, richest guy in the world and still having the saddest thanksgiving ever. money really doesn’t fix everything lol.

My own father with Narcissistic Personality Disorder (which I’m convinced both Musk and Trump suffer from) was just like Leon, on a much smaller scale of course. He was wealthy and had some influence in our local area, and he could definitely get what he wanted if he wanted it badly enough, but both of his kids hated him and he died recently with no genuine friends or family to speak of. I myself didn’t see or speak to him for the last 18 years of his life. He flaunted and enjoyed his wealth, and he died as comfortably as a wealthy person with cancer can die, but he did it alone, surrounded by nobody who genuinely cared about him as a person. Not one friend or family member was with him at the end. I think that qualifies as being a loser. I hope he enjoyed his money, because that’s all he really had.

A man who doesn’t spend time with his family cannot be a real man. – Don Corleone

YMCA at Mar-a-Lago on Thanksgiving is a vibe I didn’t know I needed to avoid.

Elon thinks Trump is the father he’s always wanted. He’s soon going to learn that Trump is a true psychopath and can never love him. Elon will be gone within 6 months top.

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