Too Real

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Ive seen her

Biochemists are super cute is what I am taking away from this.

Needs more condescension! As a biochemistry major, you must lord your major over the biology majors.

Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with

Unironically, I highschool I had someone in my chem class that also took bio who looks almost exactly like this. Same hair but different glasses.

bioinformatics is less messy

Mfw the student I know looks like that (but she still has far more luck with women then me, so did I really win here? Nah).
But the.. teacher? (Dunno the correct english word lmao, and no I dont mean professor she is below them) is a total knockout.

What a cute meme ๐Ÿ˜‚

Gotta give credit to the only collective who can wear those glasses without looking like child molesters.

I felt attacked

By looking at you cutie

Iโ€™ll take a wife like that

super adorable. I’ll take 5!

I don’t have any what a biochemist looks like but this feels real. It’s in my soul.


This give me cute aggression

Microbiology is close too

I was in a long-term relationship with a biochemist. And yes, that’s her.

The lookalike with an ex girlfriend from Foreign Language studies is disconcerting ๐Ÿ˜€

This is the face of someone who just spent 6 hours on a single lab report

Lily pichu


Also chemical engineering.

Yes all biochemist look like lilyplush

I need one like those as they(pretty+smart)


Thereโ€™s a girl in my uni that looks exactly like this doll but sheโ€™s on computer science.

I resemble that remark.

Is she single?๐Ÿ˜

Wake up !!

I’m doing a masters in genetic engineering and I’m a 207 cm tall Slavic man.

DNAmy from Kim possible

Madoka Hiroo lol

When did you take this picture of my friend? And how did you know she studies Biochemistry?

Why is this so accurate lmfao

Ok but this is literally me

So true



All biochemists are Zzangmang Loopy?

BioChem Majors are pink and have chipmunk ears?

Naa OP yall so foul.. I am doing my biochem masters and I actually look like that ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ

Only difference I have wavy hair and I don’t have bangs (But was actually thinking to do so lol)

That’s Shelby from Girlfriend Reviews.


I dated this girl back in college.

โ€ฆ OR a streamer u/lilypichu

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