Took me a while to figure out what was wrong

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Oh… oh god

Not a german.

Are all those pictures taken in the holocaust memorial?

Is the location supposed to be sexy?

**This is misleading and it’s been posted before**

AHA! I found the old post if this with a link to a discussion about it.

This is not a sacred memorial.
It’s a memorial, but more in a “let this be part of your daily life” sense.
The creator explicitly said he envisioned this place to be used for playing, running, picknicking, etcetera.
So that people would understand that they can still live their lives, as long as they also remember the lost lives of the past.”

there are other posts from Berliners explaining that the artist foresaw this kind of thing happening and designed it with large places and pathways children could run and play in.

From an interview with The artist:

The memorial’s architect, Peter Eisenman, told Der Spiegel when it opened in 2005 that he didn’t expect visitors to be overly reverent. “People are going to picnic” at the monument, he told the magazine. This week, in reaction to Shapira’s website, Eisenman seemed unperturbed by selfies taken at the site. He told the BBC: “People have been jumping around on these pillars forever. I think it’s fine.”

Edit actually this one is better

“People have been jumping around on those pillars forever. They’ve been sunbathing, they’ve been having lunch there and I think that’s fine.

“It’s like a catholic church, it’s a meeting place, children run around, they sell trinkets. **A memorial is an everyday occurrence, it is not sacred ground** .”

Mr Eisenman drew a clear distinction between the Berlin memorial and burial sites such as Auschwitz, which he said was “a different environment, absolutely”.

“But there are no dead people under my memorial. My idea was to allow as many people of different generations, in their own ways, to deal or not to deal with being in that place. And if they want to lark around I think that’s fine.

Me: Okay they are all taking a picture of the same place (Sees the first comment with the spoiler) oh……oh nooo…..


Would have never figures this out without help from the sub.


I live in the US Midwest…all we have here is:

1) Corn
2) Methamphetamine (Poorly made)
3) Some pretty good pork

But now that I know what’s up..

What the flying burrito brothers FUCK?!?!

Berlin holocaust memorial, however Peter Eisenman, one of the creators even said

“.. there are no dead people under my memorial. My idea was to allow as many people of different generations, in their own ways, to deal or not to deal with being in that place. And if they want to lark around I think that’s fine.”

No one is disrespecting or vandalizing the monument by posing for a picture or doing other activities around it. It’s beautiful how something like that can be integrated in people’s everyday lives.

Probably someone said it before here and about a 1000 times, I tought we are done w this but the memorial is not a cemetery or any sacred ground the person behind it literally wanted to have ppl jump on it, have a good time eat drink take pictures and stuff.

So idk why it always comes up as a horrendous act.

And no hungarian negro candy is not named after black ppl its a name of an italian who made it first, montenegro is not a racist country name, and I could go on.

Rule of thumb anytime you see a picture of Berlin on Holup: it’s probably holocaust related.

Wondered for a bit, realised there was a lot of similar… scen… er… no. Nope. Surely fucking not.

People worry me sometimes.

When I visited Auschwitz, the most shocking thing was all of the girls taking selfies on the track leading into the camp. 

the most german thing about this is that the dude put the women in alphabetical order

Germans are wild.

Germans standing at a holocaust memorial are wilder.

Germans swiping right on the profile of a tinder user posting themselves standing at a holocaust memorial are wildest.

This is super old, I’ve seen it before on reddit ages ago. also I can’t quite remember the details but there is something misleading about it iirc

No fucks given here

Oh shit…

At least they are not germans… Lol

Looking at the subreddits you’re active in, it’s no surprise you didn’t recognize Holocaust memorials.

There is a girl called Erika in this picture.

I thought it was a “basic bitch” joke because they’re all at the same spot. Then I realized which spot lol

Man this kind of thing pisses me off.


They all brunette too

Yo what?

Nah, you know they had to do it one time.


I remember there was a guy who would take these kinds of pictures and combined them with historical images of the holocaust. So you’d see one of these Insta hoes posing with their ass out and next to them there would be starving jews in striped uniforms.
The hoes did not like this.

Ohhhhhhauschwitz……..I get it now.

All in the spirit of remembering

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