Total solar eclipse 2024 as seen from ISS

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I was at work when it happened and it was eerie how the temperature dropped a good 5 degrees within a minute or two

Hey, I’m in that photo!

Where in the world is this?

Immediately start to think about Flat Earthers: what are their thought process when seeing images like these?

“Aaah another hoax picture from Big Space!!!”?

I first read that as seen from ISIS.

That’s an oddly specific point of view

No it’s not. That’s the moon’s shadow!!1!

This was my favorite memory from this year.

I am an US citizen living in Europe. Here, we have become very close to friends originally from India.

We traveled with a couple of our Indian friends to the U.S. for the eclipse. We got to introduce to them to our chosen family, show them a few places in the U.S.

It was an amazing trip, and the eclipse was so cool to experience.

Everytime I see the ISS orbit around earth I’m surprised how close they are. It’s wild how close you can be and still be weightless.

See all those clouds? Drove 6 hours to watch the eclipse from under there.

Canada eh?

Right after it passes us. We went to upstate NY to see it.

We literally had clouds roll in 2 hours before totality….

I was extremely lucky to be in the path of totality truly an amazing thing to see.


Black hole 🕳️ on earth

It was really cool from Ohio. It got 10-15 degrees colder and nighttime animals started to make sounds. Magical

Was this the one in April? I took pictures through a filter I put on my phone’s camera lens.

NASA you fools I can see the Ice Wall in the photo you took “From Space”


Yes, I’m bein’ followed by a moonshadow

Moonshadow, moonshadow

Leapin’ and hoppin’ on a moonshadow

Moonshadow, moonshadow

I was getting married in upstate NY in this photo


Why don’t we see city lights in these eclipse spots?

Nice….. So fun

That’s fucking terrifying, it just looks like a black hole opening up.

Well what we imagine a black hole looks like unlike what they actually look like

Now this is seriously cool to see. Stuff like this is why I havent unsubbed from this place.


Looks like an eyeball

That’s no moon…

It looks like the area was wiped out.

Guts and The Band of the Hawk having a horrible time in there

I’m curious if someone could pull off a vertical panorama shot, with something like this at the bottom, panning up to the moon and then the sun. That would be totally awesome

ISIS is in space now? Now we’ll never get rid of them.

My wife and I drove away from Montreal (Montreal island is visble under the clouds in the bortom right) towards the eats to have a longer and clearer eclipse. Thanks for sharing the picture. Would it be possible to get the original size? What time was it taken?


They saved money on sunglasses from that vantage point

Is this north of the Saint Lawrence looking southiah to new Brunswick?

I almost went there. But I saw it in missouri instead.

Looks like Earth finally enabled dark mode for a few minutes 🙂

This is such a surreal image. This is what I’d imagine an alien mothership would look like overlooking our planet.

is that the Schwarzwelt !!!?

OMG there’s a UFO in the upper right corner!!!! Aahhhhh

So is this our version of the eye of Sauron? lidless eye wreathed in …. clouds?

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