Touching North America and Europe at the same time

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Where is this, Iceland ? We’re talking about tectonic plates here right ?

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Touching the planet called Earth

Does he have his passport on him

I have been exactly here. The water is actually fresh and coming from a glacier. And is stupidly cold.

One of the coolest thing I’ve done.

George Russell when he goes diving


Can you imagine if an earthquake happened and you get squished between the two plates.

Not really. The tectonic plates don’t end at sharp boundaries like that, it’s just where the ground has split to allow the area to stretch out. It’s between the continents, but it’s just a crack in the ground. Still pretty though.

Tom Scott has an amazing video about these “between two tectonic plates” tourist locations.

Is this at a location that actually exists that I’m unaware of?


Water is raytracing ON

One earthquake and he will share a similar fate as [Maui](

I thought this was a George Russell post.

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looks great…

I’ve done this in Iceland and it was absolutely incredible!

Look out for that damn squirrel!

I enjoyed that dive a lot!

Swordfish: Not in my watch!

How are the egg prices there?

This man has been down there for years keeping the world from crumbling. If those two plates collide it’s all over. 

This man and his scuba sect have been keeping us safe since the invention of the diving bell lol

That or he’s guarding the entrance to where the dragons are sealed away. The real “reign of fire” begins if he ever fails at his post.

o7 thank you for your service 

In couple of years there will be a wall there /s

Talassophobia intensifies.

Pretty sure this is at sea

Just wow!

*sudden tectonic shift*

Suddenly 127 hours…


Same can be said in a strip joint

that’s some serious flex !

Imagine if it closed

Russell is that you ???? !!!!!!!

I feel molested.

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