Tough times make strong men in future

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Tbf he did have nearly 11 years of having Grindelwald running around

Lost the love of his life. I get it

Ewen McGregor Obi-wan vs Alec Guinness Obi-wan

Ageing is generally weird. Wizards live almost twice as long as regular people, but somehow they age the same and then spend 70 years in their 70s. That’s not how ageing works.

He met Tom Ripley (Riddle).

What if he aged so much because he was using the time necklace. So time stopped for everyone else but himself.

The great depression was not an easy time.

I loathe how Fantastic Beasts …. was **so wonky in every way** and then up and had to run to Dumbledore well to try to save itself and didn’t even do that good.

Everytime i see this, i cackle lol

Hmm, I wonder what could have happened in those 11 years that might have aged him considerably…

Possibly fighting a war that culminated in a duel with the love of his life/most powerful wizard in the world?

That’s actually what it looks like going from 47 to 58. It’s a hard decade there in the late-middle, take care of yourselves.

What we have learned from the magical world:

If you know that a young wizard is evil in nature, you should kill them… You either let them become an obscurial, or you give them the tools to commit atrocities.

Time travelers:

Loads gun… sets time to April 20 1889.

He’s gonna get hit with an aging spell

i mean yeh, go grey and done shave id say its fairly believable

I mean it was the great depression in the muggle world and he fought in a war in the wizard world (against his former partner and loved one)


Man had a tragic life; cut him some slack. 😭

the same goes for Charles Xavier in the X-Men movies, he went from James McAvoy to Sir Patrick Stewart in less than a decade.

key moment was when he first met Jean Grey.


Actually it’s like 1932 vs 1938, since the last scenes in the “Secrets…” is around 1932. At that point Dumbledore is ~51yo … and when visiting orphanage he’s 56yo then.
I still think it’s plausible to age like that considering the things like Grindenwald fight preparation (in 1945) and the “experience luggage” (thinking of his sister).

Great depression hit everyone hard

Getting a long beard andhair does wonders

How long do wizards and witches live in the universe? Many of the old ones like Dumbledore died by murder, not natural causes.

46 to 57 can be some tough years.

Works in academia. Makes sense

I look at myself from the middle of the pandemic and realize Dumbledore could have made this transformation in year 11

11 years is a long time. Not as long as it used to be, and getting shorter every time around.

You should see how much i’ve aged just in 5

literally how I felt going from 24 to 35

Depression era?

The difference in age between the actors isnt that great. Law was 49 when the third Fantastic Beats movie came out and Gambon was 69 when Half Blood Prince came out.

So 11 years vs 20.

Meth is a evil drug…

beard power

Well we he did have to to kill the love of his life

He was a different kind of ‘head’ master in his youth

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