Traditional Meal

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One like on this post equals one microplastic I will put into my body

microplastics >> sprinkles


My grandparents full of lead paint. My parents full of asbestos. Myself full of microplastics. My kids full of graphene. My grandkids full of nanobots.

Also this is a safe space to post yellow jackets theories. I think coach is gonna come back as an old man in a wheelchair.

micro goodness in every molecule bite

the detail on the veggies is sooo good

I love how you aren’t doing the eyeball off the head/face anymore, but instead seeing how dangerously close to the edge you can get before it floats off

Awfully optimistic of you to assume humanity won’t be living a wasteland existance by 2075.

Unless this is taking place on Elysium?

MSG* (not bad for you)

my grandpa did something like this with me, except he seasoned it with trace amount of lead

Mmm car tire and magic eraser flavour

“Eww no way I want microplastics in my body dad.”

“Erhm about that…”

Micro size macro taste

I think your comics are wonderful

The one guy on the right looked pretty stoked about the meal.

[Smiling and whatnot.]comment image)

Thec3D printing community thanks you for your service.

I want to say one word to you. Just one word. Microplastics. There’s a great future in microplastics.

How optimistic that the meal isnt plastic veggies with just a sprinkle of cellulose and jerky.

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