trained to attack

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Yes but not on command and only to my feet.

If they asked me that, I would have to genuinely answer yes lol.

Granny accidentally trained the house cat to bite her feet whenever it wanted some food. I told her not to feed the cat when it asks for food by biting very early on, but she didn’t listen so the cat ended getting trained to ask her (and only her) for food like that.

My black one attacks the heads of brunette women, and men in shorts who move quickly. He also takes violent offense to being called a raccoon.
The orange one mostly stares angrily into your soul, but is known for an occasional series of vicious head thumps.

Neither follows commands, at least not ones I can hear. *looks around with paranoia*

i accidentally trained my cat into sneak attacks, if it counts? the kind where you hear someone about to walk into the room you’re in, so you hide behind an obstacle, then pounce out while yelling? i did that to him too many times and now he does it to everyone

Mine causes me bodily harm all the time, the only reason why I could say no to this question is because he’s in no way trained to do it, he just slams his claws into my legs like they’re a cushion 😂

So first, would having trained attack cats on premises reduce or increase the premium?

Secondly while possible to train this behaviour it’s usually far easier to just select cats with this trait already, it not being an uncommon one.

Imagine getting mauled by a pack of attack cats

They probably say this for any pet animal. Some dogs are trained like that

No, they were simply born with that knowledge.

Trained? They do that on their own.

They asked the same thing about my blind, very elderly silky terrier.

Remember: when insurance asks anything that could give them cause to deny you or increase your rates, lie.

Cats don’t need training — it’s inborn, but they use it only to good effect.

Scenario: A fellow lives in an apartment with his pet ocelot, which is friendly to all visitors. One day the fellow returns home to find his door ajar, and instantly worries about his cat. He finds the cat outside the bathroom door, ears tucked back, not ready to give an inch. From inside the door, comes a voice “Please! Call off the cat!”

(This was related to me as real by a trustworthy source, but I can’t vouch for it myself.)

Cats do that naturally.

One does not simply train a cat to do cat things.

“Cats don’t really need training for that, they do it innately…”

Didn’t train her to do it but I had a cat who would act as my body guard. If someone got aggressive towards me she’d first tell at them then saunter off only to sneak up behind them and then jump up and sink all her claws into their spine and hang there for a bit while all their muscles locked up. Really miss that kitty, ex took her and moved out of state.

“No, they just have natural talent.”

No need for training they do that on their own

One of our little ones went on the alarm when she heard fireworks last night. Was just chillin in my wife’s lap and then sat up straight and started growling like she was defending us.

Lol not trained but my 9lb house panther will attack anyone who causes his 17lb bro cat , 65lb dog sis and 76lb dog bro to cry out. You mess with his furry sibs you get the claw, irony is he has no teeth.

Laser pointer.

I mean i can probably get one of mine to do it on command if i tried, but i don’t think i could train another one.

Cats don’t need to be trained, they’re naturally assholes.

Even if I could train mine to do this she would learn it very well and take all the treats in the process and then not do it when I wanted her to.

If I had the wherewithal to do this I’d need insurance for a castle that converts into a spaceship where I kept my many Nobel Prizes, and this conversation would’ve been had with my assistant’s assistant’s assistant

Only when you scratch their stomach after food

Get a Savannah; the growl alone is enough to frighten people.

Normalize guard cats 🐈

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