Transgenic Mice

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This is what happens when stupid people voting outnumber every other block.

Trans is TRANS to these fools. They will now yell about money spent on transport, financial transfers, translators.. the list goes on..

I mean you could tell in 2015 that everything he knew about politics came from Fox News punditry…the problem is that is also all a significant portion of Americans know about politics.

See, I just assumed he was lying about the animal research stuff in his speech.

Now I’m annoyed because not only was he wrong. But it was something cool that he was wrong about.

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Most people making such a stupid statement in public would be ashamed to go into work the next day. For Trump, who has already normalized stupidity, it’s nothing.

Also the new record he was whining about wasn’t by 5 hours, it was by 5 minutes


Just like he spent 20 minutes talking about how a deal for “raw earth” was going to guarantee peace in Ukraine.

Tomorrow, once again, no journalist will ask that orange thing or any other Republican why they revel in ignorance and stupidity and criminality and hatred of America and the free world.

LoL oh my god! I thought this was absolute bullshit he pulled out of thin air. Somehow, this makes it worse!

Gotta get rid of the they/them mice. Top priority for national security. 

They leave the research parts out to inflame their base. They manipulate people

So fucking embarrassing

Was this really what he was referring to? Thought he was pulling it out of his ass. I wonder if this particular lie was on purpose or on account of him being illiterate.

Wait until he finds out how they’re turning the friggen frogs gay

“Transgender, transgenic. Who cares! He’s a bigot and we love him.”

– MAGA, probably

This is the first thread I’ve seen on Reddit about how insane Trump’s speech was, rather than the Democrats.

I think people know “This is not normal,” intellectually, but we’re just *so damned used* to his crazy shit at this point that we can’t force ourselves to keep talking about it.

Eh, its fine, folks in MAGA deserve to have their kids suffer from Asthma and Cancer. Shame about the rest of you though.

Still, for the doctors and scientists that don’t wanna deal with this shit, I can think of a few other countries that would LOVE to have your services.

Reminded me something Xu Jinping did – he was speaking prepared by his secretary, there was phrase “facilitate commerce, relieve burden on farmers”, but he read it as “facilitate commerce, disrobe”. These two are birds of a feather.

Obviously this is insanely stupid, but this type of stupidly has been around for a while. Remember that senator that brought in a snowball and said, how do I have this if global warming is real?

DOGE is just cutting programs that they don’t understand. I told my husband it’s like if I declared myself the department of work efficiency and started throwing away tools from his work bag if I didn’t know how they worked. Less tools? Boom. More efficient.

It’s insanity.

But can you be 100% sure none of those millions of mice were trangender as well, simply by pure coincidence?

That’s the best part! It doesn’t matter what the truth is, if trump said they’re transgender mice, that’s what they are now and for all time.

Or until he changes his mind.

Don’t tell them about the movies with autobots and decepticons .

Wait until he hears about the Transporter movie series.

Morons Are Governing America

Just when you thought things couldn’t get stupider

Didn’t Regeneron use those mice to save him from Covid?

The sad part is though – it works. MAGA don’t fact check or look into anything further. So “Transgender Mice” will be one of their talking points moving forward. These are the people who say they don’t have pronouns because they’re woke.

A rationale mind is not a prerequisite for a position of power.

And how many more stupid people believe that shit 💩🤡

This dude reads like a first grader who only had Lucy Calkins instruction, just straight up guessing what words say.

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