Translated accurately and to the point

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Ummm … “end up like Europe” … help me out here, as a person living in Europe, what did I end up like? Can you be specific?

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GOP sliding right into 1984.

“People from mental institutions”- fuck me! He STILL doesn’t know what ‘asylum seeker’ means.

From the guy who brought Tate back to the States and who is going to pardon a child rapist

And yet…Welcome Brothers Tate!

Did t trump let’s the Tate brothers in on some special vida? Literally 2 guys accused of sex trafficking amid many other crimes

Donald Trump is a pedophile and rapist

Trump is building up to diverting funds to Putin to help with the war. He’s softening the blow for his supporters.

Ehm… Europe here. What did we end up as?

End up like Europe, with universal healthcare, less mass shootings, and an increased quality of life, Europe?

Better translation…
“Stop worrying about real problems, sorry about the see fake ones I just made up and have no basis in reality instead! Europe bad!”

First, we should spend more time worrying about the true enemy within: Trump, GOP, and their ultra rich enablers.

Is he worried the migrant rape gangs will take away jobs from all of the honest, hard working, patriotic American rape gangs he represents?

“Stop focusing on the war-hungry fascist who’s paying my kickbacks and start focusing on being as racist as I am!”

So that’s why we lobbied Romania for the Tate brothers?

Yet he let’s the Tate brothers into the US.

I still love that Trump heard people were coming for Asylum, and immediately thought it was ‘insane asylum’ (after people started saying how the mass immigration was happening technically legally, through claiming asylum in the US, he started saying ‘now they’re clearing out insane asylums from what I’ve heard’, dude is an absolute clown)

Trump conflates political asylum with mental asylum and MAGA is too stupid to know the difference.

If I could talk my husband into leaving his shithole country for Europe where I’m from. I would!

As a european, i’m looking at the worst city in my country. Then i’m looking at Detroit, Philadelphia, Gary or New Orleans.

And then I ask myself: how does he suggest we did end up, that can top the state of american society in levels of crime, poverty and negligence by the government.

After carefully considering any comparable metric, I come to the conclusion that he’s just full of sh*t

Comrade Krasnov recites soviet book better than Winter Soldier. He should have been named Bratwurst Soldier.

We should worry about things that don’t exist? Lol

Trump knows that Russia is at least partially in Europe…right?

“Migrant rape gangs”? And not a single Republican “adult” in Congress, Cabinet, Courts (or common sense) to put this clown in check

Its the same play book they use in Europe. Its not the Russians, its the immigrants and the lefties who are the problem.

Didn’t he just bring the tate brothers back into the country.

I’ll take Europe over America every day of the week. My kids will get through school having learned their ABC and 2+2=4, not how to avoid being shot dead.

_”Keep our rapists American Made!”_

If he’s so worried about criminals entering the US, why did his administration arrange the return of the Tate brothers?

As a citizen it’s much more concerning to end up like Russian, North Korea, or China vs Europe. I’m gonna guess most citizens of the US feel this way & the gaslighting is a wasted effort.

Republicans want you to lose the forest through the trees. Focus on the little shit while missing the big picture.

No healthcare? What about that transgender baseball player though.

No paid leave/overtime/minimum wage? What about those immigrants though.

Russia invades Europe? What about diversity though.

Indian MAGAs are fucking shameless. They’ll still vote red.


“Stop paying attention to my master Lord Putin.”

He is importing human traffickers and is floating the idea of any Russian oligarch and cartel drug lord to buy citizenship if they have enough cash. Fuck off. I don’t even want to vacation in the U.S. let alone live there. People there should be so lucky to end up like here in Europe.

The communist hell over would bring every american to their knees. Free healthcare, almost no gun violence, privacy rights,….. Europe is hell.

What cholesterol doing???

Just curious what asshat thought it was a good idea to paint trumps face like a clown and couldn’t get the stripes straight?

Lol he still thinks asylum seekers are people from mental institutes.

Just a reminder the US and its allys invaded Iraq for no real reason causing the deaths of over 1 million people. So most of the world does care what the US says from up on its high horse.

Donald, just fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck off, you gowl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He still things people seeking asylum means “people who were in an asylum” because he understands nothing.

The tates

To be fair to him, this could be the first actual example of him actually putting “America first,” not wanting to replace American rapists, drug lords, murderers and crazy people with (presumably cheaper) imported ones. I mean, it’d fit with him hiring (at least, I’d be surprised if some of his picks didn’t have more skeletons in their closets than Skeletor…) two of those, not caring about (at least) one being a scourge on neighbouring countries and releasing at least some of final group… (unless the official line is that those officers four years ago just turned out to be severely allergic to morons…)

One would think Trump of all people would foster kinship with rapists. After all, they have the same hobby.

Has anyone pointed out that this narrative has strong echos of hitler?

Translation – don’t look behind the curtain

End up as Europe?

A place where getting sick does not mean personal bankruptcy? Where you actually get the care you need instead of what financially benefits the doctor/hospital?

Where we have working mass transit (Germans don’t necessarily agree), which can even be free to reduce traffic congestion and improve the environment?

Where food safety is strict, so that you can be certain what you eat is not full of pesticides, hormones, antibiotics etc. And where eggs don’t need to be washed before selling, as they don’t carry disease?

Where even the worst neighborhoods are safer to go at night than most places in America during the day. Where you don’t have to expect getting shot when going to school or when seeing the police?

Where we actually continue to care about the environment, so that our children and grandchildren have a decent world to live in?

Where hate speech is prohibited, so that **everyone** actually dares to speak up. We have leart the hard way what happens if you can say anything to anyone. Where free speech is**protected*” by keeping it civil?

Where must politicians in charge can speak coherent sentences, do not lie excessively and treat other people with respect? Especially their betters?

lol but the Tate brothers

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