Transvestigating an AI image

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absolutely calling it my bulge from now on

Someone doesn’t know what a pubic mound is.

God forbid women have a pubic bone..🙄

I hope to live long enough to see natural selection rid this planet of *fucking imbeciles.*

They do realize that women aren’t just flat down there right?

Like is all they know about women from Barbie dolls like even if their knowledge came from porn, they would know this.

They claim they have seen women naked, but go quiet when you tell them their moms don’t count.

I guess they have to show a camel toe to convince them

He’s just mad because the “bulge” is bigger than his.

If that’s a man, I’m gay AF.

It’s because she didn’t show her camel toe. She wore bottoms that fit.

As OP said the post of the woman was AI, the logos on her shirt were just gibberish.

Talking about giving women another complex…

Have any of these people heard of the pubic mound?

Tell me you’ve never seen a human woman without telling me you’ve never seen a human woman…

These dudes are so anti-trans they’re gay. They’re so anti-trans, they see a woman’s mons pubis and think it’s a penis. I learned about this shit in high school.

I love the one where that guy freaked out about a video game girl having fuzz on her face, and all the comments were about how he officially outed himself as someone who’s never been that close to a woman’s face

wait do they think our vaginas are invisible

Bro ‘catfished’ his own damn self

Who is this athlete?

Apparently, he is comparing it to his own buldge, so it must be a man.

google image search “sports protection women cup”
comment image?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=03dc7e3372e569dbb7d709ffc2662fb6da4bd49d

you put a padded cup in it, just like for boys, but ykno, vulva shaped

they also make pretty purple ones

I mean yea, Republicans like little boys.  It makes sense.

Tell that creep a penis is an enlarged clitoris and duck behind a wall before his head explodes.

If he thinks that’s a bulge, he must have a pretty tiny package he’s comparing it to.

I hope her pronouns are “fucking gorgeous” and “try and top this”.

Who is she?

The redneck incel men who voted for “The economy” that they have zero clue about since they barely have high school diploma, Anti Trans (Have never seen a women naked), and Anti Women (Women wont fuck them) as if they had any type of expertise on anything but feel inclined to vote for things they no nothing about.

AI or not, that is quite the mound and I am not complaining.

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