Trees came down on my way home from work,this is my only way home.

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By any chance, are you forced to take a detour through a small town as per the sherrif’s instructions?

Now you know why you should have brought that chainsaw with you to work.

Did you atleast get out of the car and pull on a couple branches, stare at it for a minute and proclaim “welp that ain’t going anywhere”


Oh no just like the show From☠️

i think you mean this is your home now. right in the middle of the road

Get out and yell at it. It’s being very unconsiderate.

Should be fine as long as u don’t see any crows, and just make sure ur careful if anyone is walking too calmly towards u

que sera sera…

Build a ramp and jump it, stupid.

At least it’s not on fire…


Call the fire department, they’ll clear it

There’s some room by that fence and tree, you go it champ !!


Find a good hiding spot.


Now you have a reason to store a battery chainsaw in your vehicle.

is that a ufo

What will be, will be I guess

As a complete skeptic, the glare on the windshield made me do a double take thinking there was a ufo


I recognize this scene. Once you step out to check it, the bandits who knocked it down will step out with their bows drawn. This is either the time when the hero shows up to save you, or it’s the inciting incident that they will come to investigate later.

Put your blinkers on and get your hands dirty


My first thought would be “I hope this isn’t some paranormal shit that’s going to take me to a mysterious town where I can’t escape or a friendly couple appears that turns out to be demons.”

Go back to the closest store and get yourself a fold out saw and some rope. Move it.

Ask politely if it’ll move. Trees are known for being kind and caring.

Do some forging you might be there for a while. Firewood, food, water, ….

It’s good to keep a nice sharp axe or hatchet. It works on fallen trees and zombies.

Que Sera Sera?

Just move it duh

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This is going nowhere good. Were there a bunch of crows and a kinda grumpy but helpful sheriff?

Good luck in Fromville op 😂


ooo, you’re not going to like how this ends…

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Believe it or not, most trees really arent that fucking heavy. Just like… Grab one end and pull. You aint gotta lift the whole ass tree, just drag it sideways enough to drive past

And I see the ncc-1701 enterprise flying there…am i sick in mind?

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