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Same deal with a lot of science jobs too – I know a bunch of people who did masters and PhDs in niche scientific fields due to their passions – then left the field entirely because they were disillusioned, burnt out and criminally (in some cases, literally – the university was sued for it) underpaid.

People who spent 6 years cumulatively (masters>phd) studying some rare cancer only to have to fight for the smallest dregs of funding, being told their findings will never be financially viable to move onto clinical studies, told that the cancer is too rare to justify the expenditure for developing better diagnostic or treatment tools for. Broke them.

Hundreds of thousands in university debt, pursuing passion, knowing they’d be underpaid for years – but still doing it cos they cared – and then eventually defeated once they got familiar with the system. Once “saving lives isnt profitable” sinks in.

Real. If the pay wasnโ€™t so garbage and the working conditions (admin and parents) so hostile, I wouldโ€™ve been a teacher.

For some reason, I’ll always remember a podcast where CGP Grey talked about his becoming a teacher.

He made the point that people who had a passion for teaching students were the ones to drop out of the profession, and cynical, “I’m just here to get a paycheck” teachers like him stay around. That school is just a glorified daycare.

I mean, he had a point, but I think it’s stuck in my brain because I’ve heard him and others make this point like it’s a fundamental part of society.

That school and teaching can’t be anything better, and anyone who goes into the profession with anything other that bored cynicism is delusional.

From what I read it’s funding, it’s the kids, it’s the parents, it’s smartphones, it’s the department heads, it’s the culture war, it’s gun violence, it’s the attitude towards teaching and school…and none of these things look like much headway are being made. There are still folks that can make it work in better off areas, I know a few, but the overall state is rough.

I know some former teachers, and the overwhelming response for why they left the profession is the administration (and sometimes the parents, though I think the latter is often seen as a symptom of the former). From what I can gather, a lot of school admins have unreasonable expectations for how quickly they want kids to learn things and how they should learn them. Our current system does not prioritize teaching methods that are actually useful to the average kid, rather they prioritize methods that are more easily testable for ratings purposes but which make the actual process of teaching kids cumbersome and often ineffective.

And then of course there’s lack of support when dealing with kids who are being disruptive, which is its own potential can of worms.

And donโ€™t forget, itโ€™s _deliberate._ The Right will do anything in their power to defund education and keep people as complacent as possible. An ignorant, fearful populace is an easily controlled populace.

Sweet, I’m part of the last generation to get an education, surely nothing bad will happen in the future

My family has a history of teaching. My grandmother, great uncle, one of my uncles, my mother, and several cousins-whatever-removed are teachers (or former teachers, in the case of my grandma, as she’s retired). Teaching would have been a natural path for me in life… But I saw what it did to my mother, stress-wise, and I didn’t want that for myself.

To be honest, I think I could’ve been a good teacher, but I just didn’t want to swallow the hundred bitter pills you have to take, metaphorically speaking, just to get in the door.

I really think schools ought to be funded on the federal level, or at least the state level. This also means private schools should be closed and everybody should go to public schools. Course, that won’t happen

Sadly this isn’t just America…

If you go to r/teachers you’d see their biggest issue is student behavior and being the punching bag for students, admin, and parents. Literally and figuratively.

Iโ€™d love to be a teacher (especially university), cause Iโ€™m a yapper and love sharing what I know, and also helping people understand things. Unfortunately I also need to pay to live soโ€ฆ

As a former public librarian, people can really make the job miserable. The pay does not want to keep up because elected officials don’t want to raise taxes or spend money on the service. It’s super frustrating when people want all these public services but don’t want the people who run them to have a life where they can afford to raise a family, save for retirement, or otherwise thrive.

I got paid 50k during the pandemic to teach first grade. Worked finance hours (60+ hours a week) and got paid like shit and treated like shit.

Moved to finance lol. Same hours and same brutal treatment but the pay is a little better (x4)

I’m a teacher and I love teaching – *love* it. But the money isn’t there, so I went private, and now I teach *and* make bank. Problem is, that doesn’t help our schools at all. If public schools offered the kind of money I can make as a private tutor, I’d be interested. It’s really just that simple – I love to teach, but I have to pay the bills.

my aunts were teachers in the bronx in the 50’s they were happy – a tough place even back then . . Anyone trying to teach in a public school these days is # 1 an administrator first and a teacher # 2 .

The other side of this, that doesn’t get discussed nearly enough: When you make teaching completely unappealing to normal people all you’re left with is cranks.

You may get one or two genuine angels, people whose partners can pick up most of the bills, or older people who are settled enough that they can afford the shitty wages, but you are overwhelmingly left with cranks.

When you relax the qualification standards and pay the equivalent of minimum wage your kids end up learning US history from a homesteader who thinks the Roman empire fell 250 years ago.

Doesn’t help that both parents and kids are 9/10 times assholes who want to hurt people

Part of the issue with teaching is that modern children are absolute nightmares. A lot of people enter with passion and quickly change careers after experiencing the new generation. And thatโ€™s honestly on parents.

The general public shits on the education system and teachers all the time, why the hell would the kids care about their own education if theyโ€™re told constantly how โ€œshittyโ€ it is?

Letโ€™s be honest, itโ€™s 2025 and it has become more and more of a glorified daycare each year. Every kid passes. Kids are addicted to their phones and teachers canโ€™t take it away. Zero consequences. Even the most engaging lesson cannot compete with TikTok or general apathy. While not the norm at all schools, itโ€™s definitely becoming more common.

One of my best friends is a full time 4th grade teacher. She’s also an instacart driver because her job doesn’t pay enough to cover rent and groceries.

My daughter is currently a Jr. in college to be a teacher. I asked her how much she was hoping to make and she laughed and said โ€œwe donโ€™t talk about thatโ€. She has a huge heart and just wants to help kids. Tbh Idk how to feel about it

I was going into teaching and let me tell you EVERY SINGLE teacher who I met in the process before I switched my major outright warned me that it was not worth it. Even teachers who had been doing it for decades would tell me theyโ€™d come to hate it in the last decade or so for a multitude of reasons. I did one semester where I student taught and then firmly knew itโ€™s not worth it. Kids treat you with no respect, the pay is garbage, and the active threat of shootings and drills for what they pay is insulting.

I’d have to spend two years getting my certificate, and another student teaching, just to get a job that pays less than what I’m making right now as a paralegal with a bachelor’s degree and a certificate I got over the summer. I’d love to do it but the math just doesn’t work.

Why donโ€™t blue states pay teachers more/ fix this? What factors are in play other than politics? Who is the teachers union arguing against?

MAGA are all about being politically correct. Too bad they’re morally bankrupt.

Thereโ€™s been a 60 year war on education that started as a counter to the progress of the civil rights movement. The goal was to make people dumb enough buy into their own oppression/exploitation. If you wondered how people could be dumb enough to vote for someone like Trump, they did it by ruining education.

“I wanna teach so bad but it isn’t even a job anymore it’s like a membership.”

You can only “not care about the money” until the compensation is so abysmal that you can’t even work to live.

It’s not even that they don’t care about teaching anymore. It’s just that the realities of our capitalist hellscape can only be staved off for so long. You can’t be an effective teacher if you’re struggling to keep a roof over your head, and food on your table.

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