Truly, the party of Russia

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Typical republican double standard.

Ahh, the classic cancer vaccine bullshit. Yes, somebody will most certainly develop a single drug against thousands of diseases at some point, that’s for sure going to happen.

Magats, are you guys born with your heads up your ass or did they work their way up there over the years?

We have a vaccine for several types of cancer already… the HPV vaccine. But most of the US is still not vaccinated.

Plot twist, it’ll just give you super cancer.

Funny how these people are against HPV vaccine 

Russia hasn’t discovered shit.

MAGA is the cancer.

Cancer vaccine 🤣😂. How do people believe this shit?

All Republicans should line up for their Russian shot..and then let’s see what happens

Cancer vaccine = you go fight for russia on the front lines

You won’t live long enough to get cancer for sure

Its America, so billionaires first

For free? Isn’t that Communism?

Coming up next: *MAGAs voicing support for vaccines against autism*

What maga needs is a vaccine against stupid.

Isn’t Russia also claiming to be developing a cure for being gay?

The idea of a cancer vaccine isn’t particularly new, and with the introduction of a successful mRNA vaccine during the pandemic, talks of using that technology to target specific proteins that are often mutated in cancers have become more common. It’s not that farfetched.

The issue with this one specifically is that it has zero published data. Nobody knows what the gene is, what the target is, what the clinical data looks like, and what the long term outcomes are. Without that, this is extremely skeptical, especially since they want to put it out in 2025.

g.o.p. – a wholly owned russian subsidiary

“Why is legacy media ignoring this?!?!?”

Probably because it’s absolute unfounded bullshit propaganda with zero proof.

They are like loyal gamers that stick with a console even when the games that are released are bad and broken. Only problem is the console they chose is the virtual boy.

Is it peer reviewed or comrade reviewed?

Is it a goa´uld printa ?

The bots ALMOST have English down to a science.

“Russian vaccine kill’s you tomorrow, death rates from cancer go to 0”

Hey Douglas, do you believe it’s true? If you don’t, you’re admitting you believe it’s bullshit. 

If you do believe its true, have you invested your life savings in the stock?

They’re so stupid and don’t understand how anything works

You mean they invented a WMD? Cos death is about the only “overall cure” for the 200+ known types of cancer.

(Not saying cancer can’t be cured, just seems highly unlikely that a single vaccine can be effective against cancers caused by a variety of things.)

A russian breast cancer vaccine probably causes women to grow testicle cancer and three other cancers instead.

Surely it doesn’t need the FDA to thoroughly vet the vaccine. Maybe Leon can drop a tweet.

Wow! I’m okay with vaccines. This is one vaccine I’ll pass on.

If it’s from Russia it’s more likely to give you cancer!

I wouldn’t trust something Russian if it worked in front of me lmao

The vaccine causes cancer.

It’s a good way to put even more pressure on America, have all the magats infect themselves with something that’s not covered by insurance but needs expensive draining lifelong treatment.

There was an episode of Stargate SG1 where the human race accepted a cure for all illnesses and diseases from an advanced alien race. Then 30 years later or something the humans realised it had tanked their fertility rates and mankind, although supremely healthy, would be gone in a few generations. Leaving the aliens free to move in without a fight.

This could be something like that, but without curing shit, just a radioactive isotope in a syringe to sterilise the gullible.

It won’t be that though, because the 40% of the population taking all their news and facts from FOX and russian misinformation, are exactly who the elite wants to keep around.

If they culled the population of idiots the next generation would be hopefully immune to being spoonfed bullshit through YouTube grifters and the game would be up.

That vaccine causes cancer is what they mean if it’s from Russia

lol maybe Russia should do something first with is heterosexual HIV rate that’s absolutely through the roof compared to any other country

Russia is famous for lying about anything and everything, 25/8 days a week, 367 days a year…

But sure, let’s take their word for it.

Fucking conservative imbeciles, man

Is it Polonium? Polonium cures everything.

God people are so fucking stupid.

Speak for yourself. Anyone claiming to have a cancer vaccine is full of shit

Cancer vaccine means a vaccine that gives you cancer in this case lol

But always make sure to cast shade on ‘the media’, after all the Finklestein Doctrine requires you trust no~one but us.

Nobody I’m aware of is lining up!

Is this the vaccine that makes you into those vampire zombies in I am Legend?

They first tested it en masse in Ukraine over the last three years.I don’t trust it

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