$TRUMP coin is now down 40% in the last 10 minutes.

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I can’t wait for people to get financially ruined by this obvious grift.

The rug being pulled on an obvious rug pull, why does this guy seem genuinely confused?

It’s funny that Trump will be both the catalyst and demise of crypto.
People will now know the true use case of Crypto. 90% money laundering.

The rug pulled is happening.

Buyers are about to find out how rotten the sardines were.

From Margin Of Safety by Seth Klarman.
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Dude bankrupted a fcking casino

$MELANIA has entered the room

A Trump Coin and DJT are both the refuge of the Stupid.

Hurry up magats, dump some more of your money into this garbage and make daddy a lot richer.

Obviously, it’s the Trump and Dump.

The joke writes itself.

If you bought into this, y’all deserve to be financially ruined.

You just know that 100% of people that paid for rooms to see his cancelled outdoor inauguration also bought this coin.

First rug pull?

assumed it was gonna rug pull. waiting for trump to say he is going to bed ala Haliey Welch and pretend it never happend. also is no one gonna call it STrumpet coin? Be a $trumpet and spit on that thang for Trump.

Trump made it clear that $TRUMP is a memecoin.

Memecoins are a fast and wild ride: buy early, sell at the peak, and move on. They’re not built to last like Bitcoin.

If you’re still holding on, you’re playing a losing game—eventually, the price will hit zero.

The negative to this is the Trump coin was bringing new people to crypto. Mostly older people and tinfoil hat people who were keeping their money under their mattress. If they get wrecked in this, they will be out on crypto forever.

A bunch of people just got Hawk Tuah’ed

How do people not know what a rug pull is yet. I can’t believe this is still working on people. How does trump’s name still have any credibility. He doesn’t care about anything but enriching himself.


If you were dumb enough to buy into this, you honestly deserve it.

“What is happening?”


Everyone was holding until after inauguration “surely he’ll hype it tomorrow”

Now they’re learning the hard way


I’m sure it was a way for Trump to grift from foreign nationals. Start a coin, let them buy tons of it, then cash out worth tens of billions, leaving the little guys to wallow in misery and poverty.

Oh, then don’t forget to blame the “Libtards” for it all. /s

Lmao Hawk Tua did literally this not even 3 months ago and people are already failing for it again?

Rug pulling it down to 47 is just beyond comical

“wHaT iS hApPenInG”

These people are so braindead.
Even the spider hanging around in the corner of my room could have predicted this.

I wonder if folks will push back like they did for Hawk Tuah – or if the MAGAs will just take it 😂

Trump and Dump

What do you mean what happen? Its a scam and people is willingly send trump their money.

That was a quick rug pull

It wasn’t created to be an amazing stock. It is a way to get around the law easier

Trump is the antichrist

“But I don’t understand! Sure, my DJT stock is worthless and, yes, I paid $250 for my gold sneakers, but surely, this can’t be a scam, too?!?”

It doesn’t matter. At least to him. He’s already made his money. And he can walk away leaving all the other people on the hook for lost money.

Melania also released a coin

Lol. It’s like the hawk coin all I’ve again….

May it land at 0 safely.

Let’s hope this shit goes to 0

wow who would’ve thought? Ready for TRUMPJR :))

He’s selling.

I NEED some good video essays about how we’ve Devalued the concept of labour. Seriously, I saw an AI tech play out there that was like “learning how to play an instrument is the hardest part of making music, so we want to get rid of that”

Like JESUS CHRIST, people are convinced (or have been convinced?) that expending effort is not only bad, but will not result in you creating enough value in this world to live on, so now everything is get-rich-quick-scams, passive income promises, and lessons in how to leverage stuff you own AGAINST people to milk them dry?? IS that just capitalism, did I accidentally get radicalized?

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