Trump did that

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Trumpers are gonna see how annoying that shit was

i haven’t seen a single one

No one is doing that.

I’m just here to point out that the entirety of reddit claimed that the previous stickers were cringe and vandalism.

Spent the last 4 years saying (Biden) a president isnโ€™t responsible for the rise in grocery prices and it was “corporate greed” but now itโ€™s Trumps fault itโ€™s not dropping yet.

2 weeks in is crazy

Wait until the tariffs happen in about 30 days. Then theyll really be hurting

Did you really need to put “Breaking:” on this meme?

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Apparently Trumpโ€™s plan to bring down prices and inflation is to start trade wars to increase prices? How does that work?

Where do you buy the stickers?

How original

In related news, the Trump administration doesn’t give a flying fuck about stickers, and continues to wipe its ass with the Constitution completely unopposed.

It should say republicans and trump

How original! Never saw a sticker like that before!

I have yet to see one

LOL. Egg prices. We have no fucking clue whatโ€™s coming. It ainโ€™t gonna be egg prices.

I thought he did only pornstars ๐Ÿ˜‚

Leftie media sensationalism
Perhaps they are as ignorant of textbook Economics as they are of objective, truthful reporting.

This is stupid, it was stupid with the Biden stickers too

Libs have no originality at all ๐Ÿคฃ

The Biden version of these stickers was dumb. These stickers are dumb too.

Both parties have been debasing the dollar and destroying our purchasing power for generations.

Eggs have been high for a couple months now.due to the shortage was from a couple months ago. Thats such a BS example the Dems are using.

whatever happened to the “i did that” stickers with Biden when gas price was at its highest when the Ukraine war just started (2022? damn)

Imagine if Trump was the one selling those stickers.

Good for the goose, good for the gander.

This won’t matter unless it’s in an area full of his supporters, and even then, I’m not sure it’s going to matter

โ€œNo, Biden did thisโ€

Bestie, inflation was stabilized under Biden

Fairs Fair itโ€™s peaceful protest to those who are concerned

The only thing I’ve seen drop in price is soda. (I only know this because my dad drinks pepsi chronically)

Iโ€™d say MAGA would be offended, but they make all these excuses and logic like the Flat Earth cult people.

Biden and Trump are both clowns and it’s ridiculous it ever came to this. Whenever terrible things in history are taught to us we always ask the same questions. Why didn’t anyone do anything? Didn’t people care?

Might consider doing this in Publix. I read that they support Project 2025.

If only I thought people would remember this in 4 years.. but they wont because people are stupid ass goldfish which is why they voted for trump again.. they’re getting what they voted for.

It doesnt mattter who’s in office when the Federal Reserve prints Trillions of dollars out of thin air, Guess what? The value of your greenbacks goes down. It happened under Biden and it will happen again under Trump. It will happen until the printing fiat currency stops.

He can’t run again

Trump will bring inflation to USA at record levels

Knock, knock – it will get a lot worse once the bird flue can be stopped thanks to genius dismantling the Center for Disease Center CDC

No grocery prices have not skyrocketed in 2 weeks lol

All trump tariffs are currently paused.. people are stupid

This is not true!

12 pack of Coca-Cola is $11, shit’s insane

Oh so yall are idiots too. I see.

Hi. Canadian here.

I don’t even live down there and can tell ya that’s likely incorrect.

…..however, it will happen 3-months from now.


Eggs still costing me 3 dollars for 12

I may or may not have not went through over 200 of said stickers that I definitely didnโ€™t order and place anywhere. My friend can vouch for my whereabouts

You think maybe itโ€™s the grocery stores price gouging??? Kinda like the 2008 recession, and the farmers never saw a dime of price increase.

Such stupidity. Dude has been in office 3 weeks. Morons.

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