Trump & Elon relationship going well

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A moving dumpster fire that went boom boom boom as described by some witness. So fitting and ironic for the start of 2025.

This picture will make it to the Times Magazine in the near future

The fact that this happened on New Year’s Day is like the universe foreshadowing a sign of things to come.

I think this is a good depiction of where their relationship is heading in the near future.

Fascinating symbol for the upcoming Trump administration.

I’m looking forward to more burning cars!

Trumpster fire?

No joke though I’m impressed how that ~~casino~~ hotel front held up. Holy shit.

Stellar work, great start everybody

Clearly an intentional act, the guy inside died, and if you watch the video it is basically a car bomb with fireworks added in.

Also f*ck Trump.


If you told me this was a scene from an 80s action flick, I wouldn’t question it for a second.

A sign of things to come…

Most iconic photo I’ve seen all decade

One giant leap for manchildkind

If something 10% as portentous as this happened in the middle ages the peasants would drown everyone involved just to be safe.

Just saying.

Where all the “this is a sign from God” mafkas?

Just so people are clear- a moron filled the truck up with fireworks and they ignited the fire.


Our 2025 Photo of the Year.

Dtrumpster fire

Looking for a hi-res version for my lockscreeen

Relax everyone, it’s just a bunch narcissistic children with psychopathic tendencies rule the most powerful nation in the world. What could go wrong.

THAT is why Elon wanted to be able to remotely “upgrade” the software in those things!

This looks like it should be a scene in Robocop

Welp… The writing for 2025 so far is pretty on the nose!

If that was intentional. Pretty strong image.

How an unexpected upside to a terrible time in history it could be if Trump kicked Elon out of America, and they went to war with each other and left the rest of us alone.

This is just an awesome image. Who could have thunk that all of this would happen in such an odd way. We really live in the oddest timeline


Sometimes its about sending a message.

“God, give us a sign”

This pic is the perfect foreshadowing

I hope that 2025 brings us more events that are so poetically on the nose

2025: in a picture.

January 1st and we already have the Photo of the Year

I’m pretty sure this is a perfect picture of the next year. The only problem is, all of us sane Americans are trapped inside the cybertruck.

Would love to hear the conversation with Trump and Elon about this incident !


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