Trump ends two wars before even taking office

By joene47
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facts are not important, it’s the claimed victory that never gets checked that is important

What’s most pleasing about watching MAGA play dress-up is knowing that on the other side of this, history will remember what they are too blind to now see. The illusion will dissipate, the emotions will have faded, and all that will be left will be a record of what actually happened.

It amazes me that MAGA can just casually do this, because it immediately comes off as “Well Trump isn’t in office yet, so he shouldn’t be doing anything but he clearly did that good thing that happened.”

You’re literally admitting that he (a private citizen) is meddling in global politics, totally not illegal.

What wars ended?

legit question: which wars?

Both world wars ended before i was even born 😎

Name one bill Trump wrote.

You can’t because he never did.

There isn’t even a “but biden didn’t” because MAGA pretends Trump actually does everything.

Brace for incoming “The economy broke even though biden has been out of office for months!!!”

The stupidity of maga is astounding

If Republicans could please their wives and bring them to orgasm, they’d give Trump the credit. 

These are the same people who asked where Obama was during 9/11. Matter of fact, where was Trump during 9/11?

Is in USA school in literature course is such thing as Hoffman’s “Little Zaches Called Cinnabar”?

Short plot:
“One day, Rosabelverde, one of the few fairies left in the principality, encounters a poor, unlucky peasant woman named Liese, suffering after having given birth to a disfigured, developmentally challenged boy named Zaches (often compared in appearance to a mandrake). Thoughtlessly, the fairy casts a charm on the boy so that most people, mostly philistines, stop seeing him as unsightly. Now people are drawn to him and any praiseworthy deed performed in his presence is attributed to him. And vice versa, as soon as he does something disgusting or shameful (and he does nothing else) – in the eyes of those present, someone else seems to have done an abomination; most often the one who suffered the most from the boy’s antics”

Basically Hoffman was describing atrocity of a Monarchy as absolute power it is 19th century. But as this is just form of Authoritarianism and “Cult of person”, so will do here as well

The second Punic war also ended before Trump taking office.

I’m perfectly happy with Biden taking credit for these or anybody attributing them to him. I just want people to stop dying. War is hell no matter if America is fighting it or of America is funding it.

54% of American adults read below a sixth grade level

Numerous ongoing wars continued to go on under Trumps first rule

Excuse me, but have two wars ended?

😂😂😂! This level of delusion is amazing

Considering how much spotlight he wants on *wars*, perhaps his trade wars hobby should be listed in the same way as armed conflicts?

Trump is god
He is Jesus
He is everything
Praise Trump
MAGA is just troublingly stupid

Wars started by Trump as well.

Assad fell but that’s not what trumps boss wanted and the others still go on

The echo in here is craaaaazy

Ironic that guys who were saying “We should stay out of Syria” and “We have nothing to gain from wasting resources there ” are the ones who will now praise Trump for war being over.

Yeah it’s definitely Biden. That’s why immediately after the election countries started acting differently.

Definitely doesn’t have anything to do with the loose cannon incoming president.

Yeah. Biden did a great job. With operation warp speed too. Getting that vaccine as soon as he was elected.

You can’t discuss anything with these red hats. They drank the Kool-Aid & are all in when it comes to their orange cult leader.


It’s just the headline the left would have used had the roles been reversed

If Trump was in office you get on TV today beat his chest that he had some involvement with Syria. Dems will never win the game of perception.

biden is well occupied giving freedom for his son

Yes they started under Biden…how is that a OWN?

biden didnt do shit

lol you really think Biden did anything? Come on

It was actually my Reddit comments that ended these wars.

I’m available for presidency. 

As a European. Biden didn’t do shit to stop the Russia-Ukraine war. What kind of news do Americans read. What the fuck.

It is kinda weird tho that Putin and Zelensky were talking to Trump about peace before we even knew the election results.

What’s the phrase they like to use?

“Biden did that.”?

This is, I thinks the biggest issue in US politics.

One side will bend reality, no matter how clear, to fit whatever the fuck they want to believe. Anything bad? Dems. Anything good? Republicans.

It’s the death of reason.

This community is so political.

I love watching Americans argue over whether Trump or Biden should get the blame or praise for world events, when it doesn’t seem to occur to them that the true answer is “probably neither of them”.

Meanwhile, no one in the UK is congratulating Sir Keir Starmer for the collapse of the Assad government, because that would be weird.

Syrians fighting a bloody war since 2011 and whether or not the next administration is better than the last is yet to be seen.

Trump, not even in office, yet alone in Syria: I did that!

Exactly! It’s called leadership!

Kinda like how in 2008 they claimed Obama caused a financial crisis before even winning the election. Or how Bill Clinton caused 9/11 after leaving office

I know it’s easy to do but we gotta stop crediting or blaming the president for everything that happens.

How did trump end two wars? Hell how did Biden end two wars? I’m all for America gloating but I don’t think we are to be credited for ending these.

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