Trump finally calls out the Ukraine scam

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The right to self-defense is sacrosanct and it extends to countries too. Trump is right that Europe needs to step up and start supporting Ukraine, but the Ukrainians have every right to defend themselves. I’d like to think that we still support the right to self-defense

I wonder how Taiwan is feeling right now….

What I don’t understand is why he thinks it’s Ukraines fault for starting the war. Is there something we don’t know about why Russia invaded? It wasn’t the other way around…

Pls tell me he isn’t actually doing this. If Zelensky’s a dictator then what does that make Putin?

I’m not disputing anything Trump said, but one country invading the other should not profit from such invasion. Whatever peace talks come to, hopefully there is a precident set where you can not just invade one country

Read the room man. I don’t give a shit what your opinion on Ukraine is; calling the leader of a country facing a full blown invasion a dictator is terrible optics.

Everything about this is bad, undermines every effort we’ve made to date, and is misinformed. It’s not a good look either. There’s a lot I like about this admin here at home, but this self aggrandizing bullshit is bad foreign policy and I’m not going to pretend to like it for tribal reasons.

A full throated endorsement of Russian government talking points & policy positions. This is disgraceful and an abandonment of our European allies in favor of Putin.

These talks are gonna let Putin walk all over the US and Ukraine. So much for us being #1 and demanding respect around the world. The “money” we are sending is in the form of military equipment that was going to be decommissioned eventually or sold for a fraction of the cost. So in reality we have sent way less “money” than what he says. Not to mention replacing this equipment provides jobs for Americans. I really can’t believe that Trump is going to side with Putin on this war. Its pathetic. He’s literally regurgitating Russian disinformation talking points about approval ratings or mishandling money.

Nations that are being invaded tend to postpone elections of their leader while they’re still at war. Somebody change Trump’s social media passwords.

He’s very badly informed here and needs to get better advisors on this topic and maybe stop listening to Putin so much as these are uniquely Putin talking points. It’s good to take the call and show a little openness to be credible, but there are two sides to this story for sure. Pushing Europe pay for more is great but there’s a lot of very false stuff in here.

First of all, most of the money is our assessed value of aid in the form of military items. Those aren’t dollars and that equipment was either going to get decommissioned or sold for 1/20th that, actual cash aid is very small as a %. It’s like 90% military aid and it’s not 350b by any realistic accounting.

Secondly, Zelnski is a wartime president but not a dictator and the Ukrainian constitution expressly does not require elections during wartime and was written expressly for the scenario of a Russian invasion. Why aren’t we talking about free elections in Russia by the way?

Thirdly, Ukraine was winning when they had lots of ammo and missile supplies. Biden and Europe piecemealed out aid and also set extensive rules of engagement on their use reducing their effectiveness and here we are with a bad situation. Spending aid sooner and earlier would’ve been a very different outcome.

Lastly, Russia is rational here. If we signal we are going to flood Ukraine with ordinance, the economics of this war become actual crap for Russia and they’ll make a deal.

Maybe Trump is trying to make this scary on both sides to get a deal but I really hope he doesn’t truly believe this crap and this is just some sort of comprehensive strategy to cause a deal that crosses Russian aggression off and ends the war.

Edit: some have asked so where is the 350b. As far as I can tell, we gave just short of 100b and it’s 70% military equipment mostly used, and the rest a mix of bulk goods and cash. Europe and others gave about 100b also. The 350b might be made up, or the original purchase price of the military gear when it was new, or something else. But we’ve not given 350 we’ve given under 100b. Zelensky is correct in saying about half isn’t there, because Ukraine has gotten less than 200b, not 350b, in aid.

Why even talk about peace?

I mean that full honestly. The US don’t want to be involved, that’s fine, but if Ukraine wants to keep fighting, let them. And Ukraine has already signaled they won’t stop and right now it doesn’t look like that Europe will stop support either.

And if Europe wants to keep supporting them, it should be in US‘s favor, wouldn’t it?

If Europe really will send those 700billion that came up yesterday and if Ukraine would really buy weapons from China with it, well it would strengthen the position of China.

The smart way would it to make sure that this money would be spent in the US or Europe, but talking like this about another leader won’t lead to this.

One way or the other, as the things are currently, the war won’t end. There will maybe be diplomatic relations between Russia and the US again, but for the rest the war won’t end.

Hell even Erdogan signaled only yesterday that Ukraine will have Turkeys full support. And Turkey is probably already nearly on eye level with Russia military wise.

So this will end in a death end, and if Trump won‘t be careful, it will lead to a situation where the West will break apart and Europe will side with China. There are already massive talks about this here.

And the US has nothing to gain from Russia, they don’t need their resources and vice versa.

I don’t know who’s informing Trump about the Ukraine war, but they’re full of shit.

“big, beautiful Ocean” lol

it’s fun how Trump throws praise at simple things

I agree on Ukraine being a money pit the usa has fell into but Ukraine was invaded.

Russia is the aggressor here. Ukraine shouldn’t concede Jake shit. We absolutely wouldn’t, neither should they.

This reads like Tucker tankie non-sense.

Two things can be true at once.

1) Putin is a bastard who shouldn’t have his army in Ukraine.

2) Ukraine is corrupt as hell, and is almost certainly misusing the aid we send them.


This is the applied pressure to get Ukraine to the table. It’s ugly (to me) and the Russians and Putin need their heads handed to them, however realpolitik requires either a negotiated settlement OR overwhelming victory (or loss). So which is it? All of the never trumpers and liberals who could not either negotiate themselves out of an abusive relationship or beat the living tar out of their abuser can take a seat and let’s get this settled.

Just for clarity, I would be just as supportive of us giving the Ukrainians every piece of weaponry we are or have given to Israel. IF victory is the goal.

Trump also declined to put the blame on OBama for this fiasco who dillydallied with the Russians originally.

The adults are finally back in charge. We are gonna stop being bullied by a third world country. We love to see it

I don’t think it’s fair to say Ukraine started the war, but it is fair to say that it could have been easily avoided.

Additionally, does everyone forget that somehow Hunter Biden was getting paid to sit on the board of an energy firm in Ukraine? How did that happen and why? There is more to this story than we will ever know…

It’s gonna be an absolute shit negotiation. Ukraine is out of fighting age people. They lose no matter how much money we give them. They need soldiers. The only bargaining chips to get back terroritory is guarantees Ukraine won’t ever join nato (which the executive branch can’t provide) and re opening trade.

The only stick we have left is open war, and our carrots suck

The Reddit communists are brigading this sub hard lol

He’s 100% correct.

lol this post just got astroturfed by libs. I love it.

Trump is right, but as my complaints with his first term, tone down the rhetoric. The US goal’s have been accomplished, we prevented Ukraine from falling but Ukraines goals and Europes goals of a pre 2014- Ukraine are not and have not ever been on table. Winning for Ukraine was surviival which was guaranteed 6 months in. Now it’s just a meat grinder like WWI over small bits of land at the cost of thousands upon thousands of lives.

Zelenesky put himself in a shit spot by saying he won’t accept anything less then return of Donbas and Crimea…and now that he won’t get that he looks like he just wasted thousand of young mens lives but thats his fault for promising something that was never on table. I’m 100% in support o Ukraine surviving and I’m glad that we put a hurting on Russia, but US goals are accomplished. Time to end it. If Ukraine wants to keep fighting at this point, that is on Europe and Ukraine to decide if they aren’t happy with the peace deal. This is the off ramp the US has been looking for. There is no reason for this to continue.

Edit: Don’t now if I’m being brigaded because I’m calling out the reality on the ground in Ukraine or because I was slightly critical of Trump….either way, typical of Reddit.

Some say he should turn down the tone…I disagree. The world doesn’t respond to niceness and bs decorum, the world only responds to force.


We must end the “World Police” policy. We should only engage (any level, including funding) when it is in our best interests. At 350B, that means each one of us has had 1,000 dollars of our individual taxes (which I dont want to pay) go directly to Ukraine. I highly suspect that does not include the cost of equipment and munitions we have sent, so double that number. So each of us has paid 2,000 to Ukraine. I do not agree with this.

The left cares more about Ukraine than they do their own country

Turn the money off. Now, Instantly. It should all go to $0

The era of warhark neo-cons and neo-libs is over.

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