Trump, Macron and Zelenskyy meet in Paris

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Lol, and Trump with a yellow-blue outfit! Beautiful

We had a great conversation, they told me. They told me there’s never been a better meeting in Paris. They had never seen anything like it. We talked about…Ukraine…wonderful people. Amazing people. Truly incredible people. They’re fascinating. I told President Zelensky how we were going to end the war…and he was…he told me he had never heard anything like it…they were telling me that…even President Macron was telling me this is probably…i think he said probably the greatest meeting he has ever had. They know…everyone knows that with me this war wouldn’t have happened. Putin tried it once…he tried it once…and i said “don’t do that” and he didn’t. I had a great relationship with him…probably the best relationship he has ever had with anyone. Met his girlfriend too. Absolutely gorgeous. Really beautiful woman. You know, i get along very well with strong people…i don’t like the weak ones. But the strong ones i’ve always had a great relationship with…

I think what Putin did in Ukraine…i mean he laughed at sleepy joe. That takes great talent. And it was our fault…if i had been the President at the time he wouldn’t have done it…i know he wouldn’t….i looked him in his eyes when we first met and he knew right away. Always had a great relationship with him.

My plan is basically…look, this gotta stop. Alright? Ukrainians are amazing people. Russians are amazing too. Very strong. Very strong people. So i told him…and he knows this, because we’ve always had a great relationship…i think he was mad because i abandoned him and he had to deal with senile Joe…they wanted to move weapons here and weapons there and send trillions of dollars into Russia and i said “ok, stop”, and they did…but it was a great meeting…

Next step is…listen, you can’t do that, alright? But we’ve done a lot of bad things too. So what we gotta do is…and i mean, when it comes to negotiating, you know i’m the best at it, so we were there, me…Zelenskyy…Macron…always liked Macron…and always liked Zelenskyy too. People were saying all this negative stuff about me and Zelenskyy, but he told me on the phone that i was his favorite US president ever. I mean, he had to…ehehe… We had a great relationship when i was President…and none of this would have happened….now all i hear is nuclear this, nuclear that…the world is going crazy…it’s a shame…

Now i’ve fired a couple of Generals…a bunch of idiots…they were telling me “Mr.President, we have to keep sending weapons”… they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about, so i called Vince McMahon and we had a great phone call…i’ve always knew him but this was probably the best phone call we ever had…and he was talking about having a show there…in Ukraine…isn’t that crazy? In the middle of the war he wants to do a show…but i know with me there Putin wouldn’t there to attack…so we’ll see…

He talked about making a segment with Zelenskyy where he forces him to kiss his ass…the “Kiss My Ass Club”? Isn’t that crazy? I said “ok, we’ll see…”. The bottom line is….we can’t keep paying everyone’s bills…so you gotta give us something in return. I love Zelenskyy, but he knows that because i told him…him and Macron…great respect for them

Now they were telling me…some Generals “oh, don’t do that Mr.President”…so i fired them. The CIA too…i mean, i have a great relationship with the director of the CIA…the FBI too…but listen, this gotta stop. We gotta get rid of nuclear. And Xi knows this…nobody has ever been tougher with Xi than me…they wanted cats. Can you believe that? They wanted me to send cats for them to eat…nobody’s getting any cats as long as they’re supplying Russia…they know that

That title sounds like the start of a joke, and the guys’ expressions on the photo just feed into it. Zelensky is like “play cool”, Macron is like “fuck me” and Trump be like “this is boring, why did I sign up for this? Oh that’s right, I like to be the boss… dang this is boring”.

I never seen so much enthusiasm /s

Trump picked the right colors.

Trump wearing Ukraine colours. 😂

What a time to be alive.

The attention this dude gets, and he isn’t even in the office yet.

I genuinely hope we as European can shed away from the US defense dependence. We need to pay our fair share to Nato and simultaneously build our own defense, just in case.

Dalton brothers


Trump: “Why do I have to be at the family meeting? I wanted to go to Disney World.”
Zelenskyy: “Oh, a family pic! I gotta smile and look friendly to make grandma happy.”
Macron: “Que tf am I doing here?”

Why did they have to line up from tallest to shortest? 😂

Waiting with the boys outside a principal office

I guess for once Trump is being honest with his face, even if just to express how much he wants to go back to Mar-a-lago to eat nuggies and watch TV. Everyone else is clearly forcing smiles.

Sounds like a beginning of a joke

A picture is worth a thousand words, they say

Dissociating, confused, dead inside.

“Sup bro, long time no see eh”

Is it a coincidence that Trump is wearing Ukranian colors vs. his usual red/white/blue?

What ever happened to one president at a time?

Trump is president elect, but not inagurated. Why is everyone acting like he is in office now?

Macron looks like a child stuck between his divorced parents.

why is trump so upset? it seems like he was forced to be in the picture

It’s always interesting, how pouty and wannabe tough he looks, when meeting leaders of Democracies and happy when meeting with Dictators (well, Putin, mostly).

Nobody in this pic looks even remotely like he wants to be there.

Guillotine intensifies

What the heck! What business does this tangerine POS of T*mp doing in Paris!! Where is the good guy with the g** when you need it.

So the war is over, right?

So did them order themselves by tallest to shortest or was it a happy accident?

Once again trump looks like someone who definitely has dementia. His eyes don’t really focus or know where to go. His body is just hanging and kind of slack. I’ve noticed his face which I loathe to look at has gone “soft”. He’s confused likely a lot about where is and what he is doing. Compare that to the other two especially their eyes.

I don’t think anyone in that picture was happy to be there

absolutely not a republican but I don’t know if I’ve ever seen a sitting president reduced to such irrelevance like Biden has in the past 6 months.

which senile oldy did the americans pick this time?

Is this the remake of Weekend At Bernie’s?

I hate trump so much

Does he know he’s not president yet??

The expression on Zelensky’s says it all

Like he’s heard it all before, but has to go through the motions to get less than the bare minimum to keep the fight going

When was this?

Is the Logan act just some kind of Mandela effect and never actually existed?

Zelensky is the loser in this relationship. Macron is like Erdogan is in Turkey, he gravitates to which ever side of the fence the wind is blowing, and in this case, Trump is the BIG WIND!! All HOT AIR, I might add.

It’s giving awkward sibling photo

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