Trump makes it to the cover of French magazine Le Point as “The Man from Moscow”

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It’s even stronger than that if you opt for another translation. There is a double entendre here.

“L’homme de Moscou” can also be translated as “Moscow’s man”, which hints more at a hierarchical link.

It’s pretty surreal that most of the world now unanimously agrees that he’s working with Russia, considering where we were even just 3 months ago.

>« Alliance of the predators »


and this is not a leftist magazine. Quite the opposite.

The Moscovian Candidate

“l’alliance des prédateurs” has an extra layer to it since it’s Trump on the cover 😀

Correct translation is “Moscow’s man”

“Alliance of predators” sounds horrible to me because of what the word is used for in English nowadays 😭😭😭

he’s probably proud and yaps about a beautiful language

Photo credit to u/LuxFella on the network that shall remain nameless.

Le Point site:


Edit: This post replaces a previous one I made a few moments ago and have now deleted. The link did not display the image of the cover. That link involved viewers having to install the Le Point app to view the content which is behind a paywall. Apologies for the mess, I’m still getting to grips with sharing links. 🇪🇺🕊

Russian First Lady Donald J. Trump.

“L”Homme de Moscou” can be translated into Moscow’s man, the man from Moscow or even the man of Moscow (like if there is a hierarchy and Trump is answering orders from Moscow). “Trump et Poutine, l’alliance des prédateurs” = Trump and Putin, the alliance of the predators, but “predateur” in french has also a double meaning. It can have the meaning of a hunter but also someone that prey only on the weaks.

From now on, lets refer to him with the nickname “The Russian”

Donald Krasnov

A asset of KGB

In the meantime, [Polish satirical magazine “NIE” (means “NO”)](

A fun fact, the late Jerzy Urban who established the paper back in the 1990s was a propaganda minister back in the communism days. How the turntables.

Read as alliance des pede… pediatres))

Oh my God. What is the Enclave and president Eden doing this time? Bullying another country’s leader?

I believe the tramp is the first POTUS to be paid by Russia.

L’Homme de Moscou is the new fragrance from Glazing Vlad with notes of rotten orange, vodka and sour donuts

Donald Trumpsky from St Petersburg

Kremlin’s employee of the month

And his VP and the Shadow-president-billionaire even more.

This headline can also be translated as ‘Moscow’s Man’

It speaks volumes about Trump’s lowly ambitions not to reign the country as leader of the free world but as a mere pawn of an enemy autocrat. Either a true beta personality or the Russians have incredible dirt on him.

My French isn’t my strong suit, but the line underneath says

“Putin and Trump, the Alliance of Predators”, right?

The rest of world sees and understands that the U.S. now has Russian assets at the highest levels of its Federal govt.


OP can the front paper be used as toilet paper, or is it too thick? Asking for a friend in need 🙏


I know this bothers Trump a lot.. hope it’s going to be replicated more often

I wish they used the picture of him I saw recently wearing a Burger King crown.

Most despicable animal, next to Adolf Hitler and Putin.

He should NEVER be respected.

We need to splatter this and more all over social media.

Well, regarding Le Point’s tendencies to love far-right views and “alternative facts”, I don’t know if it’s a criticism or a praise.

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