Trump promises to reinstate student debt for millions of adults who had their loans forgiven under Biden

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What’s the purpose of doing that? Just to make people’s lives miserable? If you’re ok with fucking around with people’s lives then you’re an evil person.

If SC lets him do this then next democrat should claw back the PPP loans that were forgiven.

Clearly Trump hates the smart and educated.

This mofo is going to destroy every good thing biden did during his term.

I’m sick to my stomach

To any one about to get your debt reinstated that voted for this clown, congratulations.

this serves no useful purpose

And PPP loans won’t be mentioned. What a crock of shit.

Is that even possible?

Isn’t that like asking for a gift to be returned?

Surely once a debt is forgiven, it can never be reinstated again… Right?

My loans weren’t forgiven, but I do have to ask: why the fuck would anybody reinstate a forgiven loan?

Question two: what kind of asshole would do that?

Three: what purpose does this serve the American people?

God I hate this. It feels like a recession is almost inevitable with all these stupid economy hurting decisions. All we needed was a president to basically do nothing and let the economy Biden fixed continue to improve but nope, it’s all being burnt down.

Biden needs to go Fight Club ending on this and delete all the student debt databases and backups for all the forgiven debt. And he can sit there watching the world burn talking to himself while he does it. If we’re going to burn it all down anyway, at least burn it down for the people’s benefit and not for billionaires.

I hope everyone gets what they voted for.

The SAVE plan changed my life, for real. I thought I would die with this debt and the plan gave me an ACTUALLY workable monthly payment based on my income (unlike previous IDR plans I explored which still expected me to swing a payment in the hundreds of dollars a month) with the goal of forgiveness. One payment, too, instead of multiple payments to different servicers. I will not be able to afford to pay my loans back without it and I will be right back to square one.

Time for Biden to forgive all student loan debt. Cos…fuck it. Make it more complicated for them to roll back.

You know who administers student loan debt? The Department of Education. Will they reinstate the debt then eliminated the DOE? Or kill the DOE first, and try to collect? Either way, these people are the stupidest motherfuckers on earth.

Yet more evidence of who he serves. The rich.

I see it all the time… “why should I have to pay for someone else’s kid to go to college?”

For the same reason I had to pay for us to drop bombs on countries that never fucked with us, health care for veterans who fought in those wars, health care for people over 65, SNAP benefits for those who are food insecure.

It’s called living in a society.

But I did not agree to bail outs in 2008 nor did I agree for pay for Elonia’s tax cuts.

At this point it’s not about helping anyone. He just there to hurt everyone

Donald Trump is a ghoul.

America First Always

Except when it comes to who makes my official Trump Branded Gilded Shit.

Reinstate PPP Loan repayments then too!

My sister is going to be so pissed! I can’t wait to tell her how great her idea to Vote for trump was….LMAO!!

Why isn’t he making magats and magat businesses pay back the stimulus money they gladly took from the pandemic?

Paying what you owe has always been **very** important to Trump.

/s, obs

Watching Putin dismantle the US is terrifying.

Lmaoooo I hope every single Trump supporter who had their debt forgiven gets it all fully reinstated.

How about they start by reinstating all the forgiven PPP loans? Let’s start there, oh wait that affects rich people, can’t have that.

I have never before seen an American politician who was so openly hostile toward his constituents.

It’s the quickest way for him to hit the middle class.

“Remember that $75,000 loan you took out for your $65,000 education? And you paid back $40,000 of it but still, magically, owe $95,000? Now you owe $125,000. MAGA.”

Ruining America one day at a time. What an absolute piece of shit this guy is.

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