Trump Turnberry Vandalised Overnight

By paul_67
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The course got some new bunkers too


They needed somewhere new after savilles burned down

We’ll set aboot ye

Scotland after they remove the graffiti
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Keep at is Scotland!!!

Oh no. Anyway. 

Now **that** is art.

That’s good stuff right there.



Oh my. Do you think that daft bugger complaining about the Prestwick job fair did it?


Looks like a fine place to take a piss


Just have to love the Scots

Love it.

The statement is infinitely bigger than the pride of anyone’s work. Hopefully anything Trump in this country gets regular treatment.

That’s disgusting, they never even set it alight…

Give the bastards a minuscule cultural crack and they’ll weasel in.
Take it from an angry beaten American.
Go for the balls and the eyes immediately, and don’t give them an inch.


Thanks Scotland!

I really needed this.

Excellent work, the toothless, banjo playing, MAGA inbreds are not welcome.

Heck of a job

Nice!! đź‘Ť

This is a nice thing to see happen. That’s all.

Weedkiller messages would be easy to do.

Good job

Now do Mar a Lago

Needs a bit more paint thrown at it, maybe a few more big piles of shite dumped at the door.

The paint should be blue and yellow

That rules. Scotland stays winning.

It’s been upgraded, huge upgrade, the biggest upgrade ever, so big no one seen it as big. It’s hugely better! So beautiful folks so beautiful! The world is gonna love it!

Guess orange paint wasn’t on sale

Couldn’t happen to a more deserving person

Would be awful if someone spilled a lot and i mean a lot of salt on the course.

Keep up the fine work!!

Making Turnberry great again!

Looks at Trump Aberdeen


Oh dear ,very sad, never mind

It won’t be the last time this happens to one of his golf courses.

I’m impressed at their sneak skills, pulling this off without getting caught. Their penmanship can be excused in the circumstances.

Not a single smashed window… do better lads! Make the fucker pay for repairs!

I’d have chosen blue and yellow paint.


It doesn’t get clearer than that!

I’ve just thought of a great place to camp for a couple of weeks and celebrate democracy and fighting tyrants like Putin 🤔

To think the London Mayor accepted a state visit. What is the man thinking?!



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