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Fuck yea let’s go! Infinity +1 tariffs!

And the coward is now saying he wants to meet in the middle… Did someone explain the damage Donny boy is causing to his own country…

The exchange rate of timbits to dunkin is too damn high!!!

Weird he isn’t calling out China as well when they also retaliated?

Are Ireland and Italy still doing descendency cititenship? Heh.

I kid. I know they are.

What makes anyone think Canada has the leverage here? lol


Trade war. Possibly in advance of a real war.

Please tell Mayor Mc.Trump to get fucked. We will never let him take our land.

Cant believe i’ll actually witness the fall of an empire in my life time *grabs popcorn* good luck to all my American friends, the world turned their back on you

Well middle class it was a good run. Now we’re just serfs to the billionaire class.

I’m rubber and your glue. I know you are but what am I? Fucking toddler.

This game of tariff chicken will end in an economic car crash for Trump.

Trump says he’ll match your tariffs and it’s a Trump tariff war all of a sudden?

He banned also protesting I guess? Oh god it’s been like one month he’s in the office and he is bringing US economy to its knee.

Raise them to ten thousand precent. According to Trump the American consumer doesn’t pay the tariff.

Bring it. Feel free to tariff yourselves into a broken stock market. We’ll wait.

Governing by tweet didn’t work last time. Either you fucked it

Yep, as it should be

Wow. Just be an autarky before you do such shit. Canada can always sell its products elsewhere. Especially its oil and gas.

The beatings will stop when morale improves!

Sounds like Canada just needs to call their bluff each time. Trudeau should rush through a law that says Canada has to double the amount of any retaliatory-retaliatory tariffs.

Let’s make this exponential. If Trump threatens tariffs, you threaten double the amount of tariffs that he did.

If America wants to be isolated so badly, let them. The sooner Americans feel shame, pain, and consequence, the sooner this will come to an end. I say this as an American who has a one-way ticket out of this shithole country in 6 days. Good luck everyone lol.

Does he not know that he started this?

I’ll put a tariff on your tariff buddy

Jeez – this is worse than middle school girls.

“Will you please tell Janey that I don’t like her anymore?”

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