Trump was, by far, the cheapest purchase.

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A quick google search and it seems Musk did actually start Space X

With exception of X, it is naive to assume that those engineers would magically organize themselves into global industry leaders if Musk did not take them over in early stages.

Who “invented” SpaceX then?

He invented Zip2 and, which merged to become PayPal. And I agree with the other comment, where’s the finance. Everything is just political on this app now

Where Finance?

Musk wasn’t even the first or second highest single donor. Stop getting your “facts” from reddit.

I can’t stand Musk but lying about him purchasing Space X and Starlink weakens the argument.

lol, such massive cope

You forgot PayPal.

Shallow as fuck. Tesla was just a guy in his garage putting together batteries and electric motors. And there were probably 1000 other enthusiasts like him. You’re never first to invent something in the true sense of the word. This isn’t 1780 anymore.

You can also say he invested a significant amount of personal wealth. With investment comes risk of loosing it all.

Space x is not a piece of gold that you can just buy and forget about risk. After multiple crashes space x was in the verge of bankruptcy.

He made REALLY good investments, that’s how I see it

Hold my checkbook –

*And Kamala bought;*



The Sphere,

George Clooney,

The Clinton’s,

The Obama’s,


Jennifer Lopez,

Taylor Swift

I hate Elon with a passion but this post is beyond stupid…

Where did the bad man touch you?

lol starlink was created by spacex

Whoever made this is an idiot. Trying to summarize a multi-trillion dollar career into a meme. Summarized poorly, I may add.

My IQ lowers every time I open this app

Nazir didn’t invent shit and can’t buy anything either

I don’t think OP knows the meaning of the word “invent”.

Um whens the last non bought politician we have had?

Ah.. Great financial advice.

Also Musk spelled backwards is Trump. Checkmate liberals.

He was a founder of open AI too.

Trump had a huge turnover of people during his first term. I give it 12 months before Elon and him separate.

Lol the Reddit haters and their soyboy logic

Bill Gates didn’t invent Microsoft, he bought it

Steve Jobs didn’t invent Apple, he bought it

Henry Ford didn’t invent Ford, he bought it

Ted Turner didn’t invent CNN, he bought it

Michael Dell didn’t invent Dell, he bought it

Jeff Bezos didn’t invent Amazon, he bought it

Am I doing this right?

Useful idiot, is what Russia has called him for decades now. Russia won the lottery with this classless fool.

Funny how you can donate a couple hundred million $ to politics which then results in you gaining about $50 billion. How does that work 🤔

Musk got a good deal on Trump…. But nobody got a better deal than Russia. Nobody got a worse deal than the American people.

He buys things and makes it a success

One thing we can be certain of though. Musk is a vile human. The very worst of us.

Putin got full ownership of Spanky with a couple of videos. Great bargain.

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Yep and Vlad said the some thing!

And people act like musk is some type of genius . He’s a rich kid buying other people’s talents

Elon is a fucking carpet bagger POS

Musk is no Howard Hughes no matter how folks make him out to be. Hughes was an actual aeronautical engineer who actually designed much of the technology. Elon was made rich by leaching off the innovation of others. He’s no rocket scientist. Just a petulant narcissist.


And they said money can’t buy anything

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