Trumps about to secure a chunk of the younger vote 🤦

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He initiated the ban. Wake up folks and stop falling for the Tom Foolery.

From the Internet:

***”In 2020, the United States government announced that it was considering banning the Chinese social media platform TikTok upon a request from then-president Donald Trump, who viewed the app as a national security threat.”***

This is some 4D chess on Bytedance’s part. Make the dumbass feel special and he’ll do whatever you want him to do. Make him feel like the hero that can save TikTok? He’ll save it.

He’s a puppet. Nothing more. Hell we could pool our money together and buy the fucking loser off

I honestly think they shut the app because they are really about to do some shady shit with those Chicago raids for illegals they’ve been talking about. And they know tiktok is the fastest way to get information.

He can’t run again so he doesn’t need the younger vote. This is all about money and control. Tik Tok will be back, but the algorithm will be controlled by the government and we’ll start seeing more hardcore conservative content.

Thank you. I thought I was going insane. WAKE. UP. Having Trump specifically called out on the app notification is psychological conditioning. He will bring it back and you will see him as a savior. HOW ARE PEOPLE  NOT SEEING/UNDERSTANDING THIS. 

I’m just so tired

So he’s about to pull the ol’ young priest from Angels and Demons movie? Create the conflict only to come and save the day in the end to appease young voters? Weirdly this might work given how smart most people are these days.

Please don’t forget Trump was the one who started the ban TikTok avalanche.

Before TikTok there was vines, something else will take its place.

With that said Dems allowing this shit get pulled on them time in and time out is really embarrassing.

right before the ICE raids too

Bold of her to assume the media we consume isn’t already being controlled

What do you mean you “feel like”—they already have for a while. Twitter Facebook and now (alleged/potentially) TikTok. Add Reddit whatever. Remember the scary communist anthem “seize the means of production”? Welp the billionaires did—and here we are: sky is green; two and two is woke; the earth is flat and now these are facts

Because they don’t control the media we consume now? Mark confirmed he did when he made that post about community notes and moving to Texas

We’re going to have people thanking Trump for “bringing TikTok back” just like how he “gave us those stimmy checks during the lockdowns.” Set up those mental braces now. And remember, the block button is your best tool to disengage.

Tf does it matter now? It’s his second term. He doesn’t need anyone’s vote because he’s either finished after the next 4 or he throws out the constitution and we’re in a full blown dictatorship.

Vote for what? This is his 2nd term and death is a-knocking

Americans are so fkn easily manipulated. TikTok bought trump years ago after he initially suggested banning it. 

Y’all getting played or there some russian bots in here

He cannot get reelected. As I am typing this, I am seeing an ad. telling me to buy Trump crypto.

They already do control, filter and screen the media we consume. They own the large newspapers. They own most of the TV stations. They directly control or profoundly direct the moderation on social media, and they buy politicians (for chump change) to stifle any competition. And we’re so stupid we fall in line EVERY TIME.

This is why I’m tired. Spent my life trying to prevent the mouth breathers from setting the boat on fire, but now I’m like ya’ll need gasoline? And the kicker was GenZ, who voted for all of this.

Banner an app because of “national security” but a national security threat as soon to be president is more than ok.

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Need I remind people

Trump coming through like a drug dealer /s

Securing the younger vote? For what election?

Wait guys no, Tiktok was too woke to exist. Right?

Is MAGA woke?

Someone find the Winklevoss twins and Divya Nerendra 🤣🤣

If your life revolves around fucking TikTok, you need to rethink your life.

Im glad its gone for now.

“Going to control the media we all consume”!?!?

Hate to be the one to break it to…..everyone. But, they have been controlling the media we all consume since their was a media to control.

This shit ain’t new.

Everybody’s gotta kiss the ring

Secure what vote? The US ain’t the only country that uses TikTok and Diet Underwood is on his last term. Besides, Gen Z is just going to do the smart thing and use VPNs.

I fucking love corporate media

If Tik Tok is close to the same it should be easy to disseminate the ban timeline to show Trump’s role in it, how was really the spark.
The kids seem pretty savvy, and if TT has become a Meta light that will become apparent as well, especially in monetization.

Time to accept the fact that most people are so fucking stupid that they think they’re super smart by believing Trumps rhetoric. They voted these vultures in and they’re buying the meme coins and soon will be crying on TikTok about how it’s the liberals fault


Secure what vote? It’s not like he could ever run again.

They already control most of it, kinda fucked.

Secure a chunk for who? The Rs for midterms?

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