Trump’s Election Fight…

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The tiniest inconvenience and they suddenly try and make it sound like they are victims.

This one is literally snow flakes.

Wait a minute, don’t they say Jan 6 was a peaceful protest?

They really do live in a fantasy world, don’t they?

There is no hell or high water. The rest of us aren’t absolute lunatics. You’re fighting an imaginary fight here, lady, and your stupid is showing.

will Dems *do* control the weather, so…

She could not have a more fitting last name…

Wait a minute… Who is this STUPID FUCKING CUNT … oh that’s right a woman who likes it when a man tells her what she can do with her body… oh I know it says it in the Bible, it also says we can stone people to death for adultery and …. wait for it …. ITS A SIN TO COMBINE 2 DIFFERENT FABRICS (like cotton and polyester) THATS A SIN, ALSO WHY ISN’T SHE AT HOME MAKING BABIES AND KEEPING THE HOUSE???? Isn’t that what women did in the Bible????

Wow, you poor dear. In the battle you sustained injuries.

“No, I’m fine.”

Oh, so that’s normal? You should get that looked at.

Nancy Maces struggle for relevance continues

These idiots are so desperate to sound cool and look tough and it’s all so embarrassing

Her dumb ass didn’t even drive there. She was likely driven right up to the building.

Christians, like Republicans: bullshit superiority complex when they want to look like the hero, persecution complex when it’s advantageous, especially when it helps them avoid accountability.

Republican women all look crazy

I used to be pissed about what is happening in this country. Now i am just watching to see, How far this loony toons of a country is going to fall!


Fancy “Small Energy” Face.

Apparently, Ron has never tried to drive a Cybertruck through the snow before. It’s literally life threatening.

Mace the Attention Ho at it again.

At what temperature does a boob job freeze? Asking for a friend.

There was a time insurrection was frowned upon in this country. Trends are so hard to stay up on.

The funny part, you know those MAGA bitches were itchin for something to happen on the Democrat side and when it didn’t, i hope they punched the wall in a fit of rage


I truly hate these people, and it isn’t wasted energy. The biggest gaslight in history is “be the bigger person”. It’s code for “let these cunts walk all over you”. They didn’t give me one moment of peace over the past 4 years, and karma is a bitch, just like I plan to be any time I encounter one of these people.

manufactured drama. politics is low quality, uncreative performance art

They so wanna be the good guys despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

I missed the good old days when we only had two middle aged Karens using the maga wave to surf their way into the public spotlight on a board made of idiotic deliberate misunderstandings of basic issues

I actually want to vote FOR the party that controls the weather.

What’s happened in the Capitol yesterday is [just another coup d’état]( Let’s be honest about it. The only difference is, this one succeeded with the help of the mega-wealthy tech billionaires who were terrified that a government under the Democrats was going to cut into their profits. There are no winners this time around aside from them, a fact that will become perfectly clear to everyone in about 14 days.

At least they are right in entertaining Hell or Biblical levels of flooding as the correct response to this

While I have no doubt Your Boy Elmo and First Spouse Donny will do their damnedest to bring hell to Earth, the high water will take a bit longer – Might be a few months before we can start booking beach resort vacations in Antarctica.

Republicans are always assuming everyone else is going to be a shitty as they are

You can’t fix dumb or ugly.

She really is one of the stupidest people alive.

I swear Nancy Mace was a normal person once. Did I dream that? Has she always been fanatical and seemingly on the edge of violence?

Nancy Mace looks like a last call bar hag looking for a bed for the night.

Mace is projecting like crazy

All she deals with is manure!

Pushing a non existent narrative as usual

Have you stopped harassing people that just want to use the bathroom?

Good ‘ol Mansy Face

The covert narcissist false victimhood MO

Go f yourself Nancy. These losers are always trying to start trouble. If only they put that effort into helping their constituents.

The “Palmetto State BOOB” said what⁉️

Such a dumb b. How can anyone vote for that?

Show us your laundry

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