Trump’s face really does show defeat.

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80 year old man sits and pouts like a child.

Somethings up. He’s totally being trump but I swear the guy has been… unusually quiet. At least by his standards. Trump in 2016 wouldn’t have put up with musk. I mean… most of us know it’s probably coup related I’m asking for the idiots.

I’m not a huge fan of Macron but that exchange really looked like a petulant pouting child and his exasperated guardian on his last nerve. He really makes Shitler look like the entitled loser that he is. I’ll give credit where credit is due, Macron has been showing good leadership in the last few days.

He had the same face when Kamala slaughtered him in the debate

Hard to sit up straight when you’re 50% cheeseburger.

I like the, “we have a quarter trillion of Russia’s money and we are seriously considering keeping it” approach.

Much better than trying to extort the invaded nation we agreed to protect if they game up their nukes.

Pinocchio is sad, the mean french guy cut his strings

Pathetic turd is trying to figure out if he really wants to sanction French fries or not.

The Statue of Liberty may be crying, but she’s still standing with poise.

Orangina just looks like he missed his nap, and has lost interest.

I don’t know what happened, if they played poker or drew straws, but clearly Macron lost at the European Leaders meeting and is being forced to deal with the Cheeto man-baby.

The US has the weakest president in the UN council – what an old, decrepit POS

Trumps shitting himself.

How fucking presidential does he look?

That’s the face he makes before he decides he’s gonna do something to “punish” France or whomever he perceives to be an enemy or against him like you know dictators like to do

He wanted macron to go along with his bullshit

That face says, “I’m bored, why do I have to put up with these people and their big words that I don’t understand? I could be bobbing and weaving to a medley of random tunes in front of a crowd of suckers who love me for taking their money.”


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Donnie’s diaper-doodoo face.

Putin owns Trump

Is Musk pumping Trump full of some meds?? Wouldn’t put it past him.

He looks absolutely miserable anytime he isn’t surrounded by sycophants. As in like objectively, visibly mousy and miserable.

Of course he had to get in this weak-ass last word after the facts that Macron was laying down: “If you believe that, then errr… It’s Ok with me.” 🤓 dEERRRp.


such a huge FAILURE! watching it in real time! love it!

He is bored, he got out of going to prison, but when no one is telling him what to do he switches off.

He looks so lost without President Musk

He looks like a bored toddler

I think it’s just gas.

As usual with these idiot’s projection, all the nicknames he has given to people match him perfectly!

– Low Energy Donald
– Sleepy Don
– Wacky Donny
– Crazy Donnie
– Crooked Don
– Fat Donald
– Slow Don
– Low IQ Trump
– Sloppy DJT
– Lyin’ Donny
– Slimeball Donald Trump
– Slippery Donald Trump
– Meatball Don
– Don Flakey
– Comrade Trump (Krasnov?)
– President Trumpscum
– Wacky Donnie
– Donald Turd (adapted from Adam Schitt)
– Orange Head (adapted from Watermelon Head)
– Cryin’ Trump
– Deranged Donnie
– Weirdo D Trump
– Dumb as a Rock Donald
– Donald Sloppyrump

And last but not least
– DJT + 1 (adapted from AOC+3, and implying him and his boss Elon Musk)

Boredom that he can’t golf today

He’s only happy when surrounded by sycophants willing to believe whatever delusion he’s decided to spew.

That seems to be his expression when he is in front of the camera with a true world leader, imposter syndrome effect.

When he said that Russia needs to compensate Ukraine, I thought that Trump was going to explose.

He forgot that people who don’t work for him don’t just let him get away with spouting nonsense.

Yeah, we’re calling them French Fries again!

Thinking: “damn I let him correct me, daddy Putin is gonna be so upset with me”

Weakest most childish pussy ass presiderp in this country’s history. Biden roaming a nursing home double fisting ice cream cones projects more strength than this limp dick. Carter in hospice looked like the ultimate warrior in comparison. Bitch is softer than a bag of shriveled coke dicks. 

He’s also bored because he doesn’t understand what exactly is happening in front of him, because he’s stupid.

Vive la France! Macron was fully in charge during this press conference. He even reached over and touched Trump’s arm to silence him, like a child. Brilliant!

To be fair, the bar is so so low right now that any actual leader looks pretty good next to that orange sack of shit

Trump looks so weak and old lmao but of course you would too if you were on Putin’s leash being walked all day.

He’s plotting his revenge.

Did Macron crush those baby hands again?

Weak, ineffective leadership from Trump. People are saying he’s the weakest and least effective President, perhaps ever. We’ll see.

We really are gasping at straws. Like why is it A vs B? What if Macron sides with Trump on other issues? Now you’re gonna say he’s cucked? I remember when Bernie said he was going to work with Trump on some key issues and people on Reddit gave him a lot crap for it. Getting tired of these headlines as there’s no concrete wins just taglines that makes us feel better after losing the election but oh well

Go easy on the guy. He’s exhausted from sucking Putin’s dick.

Furst time in my life I see Macron not licking the billionaire’s boots

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