Try explaining to your boss why you’re late for work or can’t make it in.

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“You didn’t update it earlier?,”


try parking in your living room to improve the wifi signal

What car is this? I will make sure to stay away from it


Funny thing is: I work in IT, and we’re probably one of the few jobs where you actually COULD get away with this.

We’re so used to fighting misbehaving technology on a daily basis, that if I sent my boss this image and said “So imma be late today…”, he’d probably just reply with “LOL”.

For 13 years Chrome OS has been doing seamless background updates with no interruption but a quick reboot.

But look at this shit. Purely awful engineering and UX.

Gotta love car makers shoving as much tech as possible into new cars, that cause nothing but headaches. Literally never used any car with a touch screen in it, that hasn’t made me unreasonably angry at some stupid feature.

Will it still drive or is it locked out? Like are you just screwed on your radio or is the whole car stuck?


Fuck all that. I’ll keep driving my piece of shit 1990 4Runner manual until it physically splits in half.

433k miles, original engine and transmission. Most of the interior is gone. IT STILL DRIVES. FUCK that shit. My car doesn’t need to be a fucking computer on wheels.

we rented a jeep this past week and the damn thing kept making loud alarming noises every time I parked demanding to update. I clicked no every single time, I wasn’t about to have the stupid thing brick itself. I will never, never own a jeep after driving one for 4 days.

Wake up car manufacturers: just ship a light weight infotainment that has apple play and android auto. We don’t need your dogwater broken laggy extra features that take ages to update and frequently fail.

It will cost you less and satisfy most customers

I worked in the automotive industry for the last 10 years and have vowed to not buy anything newer than 2015-2018

Everything made after that is extremely anti consumer and generally built to not last as long.

Even new toyotas were coming back to the dealership last year with a bunch of stupid but expensive problems.

Boss rage quits

you can still drive it. Just the extra bullshit wont work

What fucking make of car is this?

And that’s why I have a car without a screen/infotainment and shit like that. Fuck that.

Attempt 1of 2. What happens assured l after the second attempt?


FE (fuck everything)

When a Tesla is updating you can’t even drive it

They focused way too much on “luxury” this go around of cars. Definitely not my favorite era of cars at all. I love my dumb cars way better to deal with but don’t look as “sleek”. Wonder if they’ll ever go back to making “dumb” cars I’d totally buy one in a second.

You have either a Jeep Wrangler or Gladiator based on that pic. You can absolutely drive it just stops the update till later.

Your HVAC controls are still manual buttons and knobs. You’ll just have to go without the radio.

My father had his car bricked in 2020 during an OTA update because it was in an underground car park and after installation it couldn’t find network and refused to work…

Even apple lets you choose when an update starts

you wouldn’t download and pirate your own car, would you? install a Linux car so you only update when you want to


over the air updates are nice so you can update your car without going to tye dealer, but I’m starting to think that maybe getting it updated when going for an oil change, isn’t that bad of an idea

My car does the same thing. ….and you have to keep the engine running for the whole 45-60 minute upgrade. But I’m in a state with an anti-idle law, so I’m literally breaking the law to do a software upgrade!!


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