Trying too hard

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He has no friends. It would be sad if it wasn’t his own fault.

Narcissists don’t want, or need friend. They want sidekicks, minions, who will go along with whatever the narcissist wants to do.

As I said, it would be pitiable, if he wasn’t such an asshole.

Who’s ready for the inevitable “I never really liked video games. They take valuable time away from more important things. Genius doesn’t require entertainment” backpedaling after this display?

Rich people cheating at things, who would have thought 🤔


when Elon was a child, his mother used to tie sausages around his neck so even the dog would pretend to like him

The most telling thing about this is that he thought he could just stream PoE2 and look like an expert. Like he’s so used to failing upwards and surrounding himself with yes men that he actually thinks he’s a genius who will master anything in a couple of hours.

Do you think he’s aware that he’s the biggest loser on the planet?

How about his alter ego profile on X telling himself “you are a great dad”

The Incel King’s gotta impress the goobers.

Getting boosted in a video game is pretty lame, paying to get boosted makes you an absolute loser, but paying to get boosted and then publicly brag about your so called prowess in said video game? I’ve no words for the level pathetic loserdom that mentality breeds. Elon is desperate to be respected by these gamers but it’s clear he has no respect for games or gamers. It doesn’t actually matter to him but he needs that ego to be satisfied. To be seen as elite in a space where he’s not.

Wait what did I miss

This is more pathetic than Trump cheating at golf.

What a fucking loser.
How can you be that “successful” yet so insecure and pathetic.

A shadowplayer would be dope cyberpunk career

An empty shell of a man, filled with imaginary money

It is also so *very* how Musk does everything. Buys a company, immediately claims that his “genius” created said company. I don’t know if SA had/has “showing up trophys” for little kids but he seems to have never recieved any, so he’s trying to make up for that lack.

Gamer Musk makes DarkSydePhil look almost competent.

The Incel King’s gotta impress the goobers.

An empty shell of a man, filled with imaginary money

Can someone explain what we’re talking about for a non-gamer?

He did whaaaat..

That’s his entire way of life that’s how he’s always been. Everybody does everything for him and he takes all the credit and then pays them next to nothing for doing so.

Arent many of his twitter followers bots? I dont use it but i think that would increase the level of sad

Where the fuck did he put in for that application

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Musk is the biggest loser in human history.

The richest man in the world can’t afford any respect, friendship, love, or really any genuine human connection. 

He, and the spineless right wing bootlickers who mindlessly continue to support him are all pathetic dweebs.

Nah, it’s still hilarious

As hilarious as it is sad, as sad as it is terrifying.

Except that it employs somebody.

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