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gcc and a text editor would be enough for most cases

That’s what the “C” stands for

`c -m venv venv`

`source venv/bin/activate`

`pipc install stdio`

Should suffice to get you to hello world

Anybody who thinks that C is confusing confounds me. Java is confusing to the point it makes me want to rip my hair out. IDEs have so many hidden states and you have to set everything up perfectly or you’ll get a useless error that means nothing. C is just a collection of text files that are converted into an executable without any bullshittery- it’s about as complicated as a bag of dirt.

The only time when C gets very complicated is with compiler-differing or hardware-differing code, which a beginner would never need to think about because it really only has to deal with binary operators or bits of code that you really shouldn’t mess with (“++var” is about as bad a coding practice as goto, don’t @ me)

[Here](’s an open resource you can use. It’s focusing on HPC, and is created as supplementary material to a university course, but I thought it was pretty good. It also has some links to other resources. 

time to learn vim

dad is still confused 🥱

VS code and gcc on either a Linux VM or a Linux install. Easiest way to make it work quickly

1. Install an IDE
2. Write code in IDE
3. Press the run button

What’s the deal with newbies trying to set up C environments from scratch? Might as well start by designing your own hardware for the C code to run on…

Charge your phone bro

Setting shit up is the worst part of the job “Aha! finally some progrwtf is that”


You might as well start learning basics function

> scanf(“%d”,value);

For inputting value why don’t you try it out 😀 , C is truly the best language

This post gives me ptsd lol

The reason i use clion with c. Was the only environment which i was able to set up when learning and didn’t switched since then

Please charge your phone.

You are supposed to be confused and always supposed to be in confusion.

Ah, so that’s what C stands for!

just be happy you aren’t working on a teletype and feeding the program with a paper tape!

Because the “C” in C Language stands for confused!

GCC, GDB, Valgrind, CMake and a text editor

CodeBlocks, of course /s

You probably should charge your phone.

You need a cat

buy a school book on C and read it i guesss


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