Tsla is -26% since Elon did the salute. Is there an actual boycott or just fud?

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I don’t know if it’s an organized boycott, but the demographic most likely to buy electric cars is the same demographic that’s least likely to approve of Musk, personally. Teslas went from cool and trendy to the mark of the beast in a lot of suburbs.

This was coming for a very long time and I am unsure why so many people did not see it coming from a mile away. For starters, Tesla sales are plummeting across Europe. That’s not an opinion, it’s just a fact. There are reports coming out today that shows that sales have declined 40% across Europe. I don’t think you need to be a rocket scientist to see why that is terrible news for Tesla. Moving on, Tesla is overpriced. Again, this is pretty self-explanatory if you have a basic understanding of economics and finance A P/E ration of 149.75 is INSANE. To put it into perspective, a good P/E ratio for most companies is between 20-25….So, to say that Telsa is overvalued is still a gross understatement.

Others have also mentioned this but I am pretty sure investors and buyers of Teslas (who were most liberal btw) have cumulatively told Elon to go fuck himself. This is not surprising at all. The miscalculation Elon made is thinking that conservatives are gonna trade in their trucks for fucking electric vehicles that are shitty and poorly made.

Tesla has always been a very inflated company. The stock price has very little to do with the actual earnings of the company. The boycot for sure has something to do with it, but his general position in a very unsuccesful government/his associating with extremist right wing people in person has made him go from based Twitter guy to dangerous power hungry rich guy.

It’s overpriced guys. Jesus. Tesla ain’t worth a fucking Trillion.

This is still extreme overpriced

TSLA is done. Competition caught up. Brand is ruined. It’s over.

Every country Trump announced tariffs on and threatened are no longer buying his best friends cars.

Evidence: Am Canadian, our US boycott is growing and has spread across EU and the Commonwealth. People are selling Tesla stock, cars, choosing to purchase from other companies and dumping anything related to the oligarchs at the inauguration. However EU sales have been declining for all of 2024, I think they aren’t particularly fond of his changes to X which have increased the dissemination of disinformation and hate speech.

Boycott – Started in Europe. Mass Firing by Elon will also kill the stock. Government Corruption too.

I live in an affluent area of California. There are many, many Teslas here and I personally know several Tesla drivers. I do not know a single one that would buy another Tesla. Think about that. This is exactly the opposite of buyer loyalty. Imagine if the consensus among Toyota drivers is nobody would ever buy another one. . It’s current market cap is higher than all the other automotive companies in the world combined. The same distaste that people have for the vehicles will translate to distaste for the solar storage systems as well. I believe many people would be dumping their Tesla’s completely if they could figure out a way to do it economically.

Sales in the key Euro market are down -50%. That ain’t competition movement that’s “holy shit our CEO just imploded our brand” movement

Every progressive leaning person I know that has the financial capacity for investing in TSLA has sold for moral/ethical reasons. Just seems like folks are voting with wallets.

Dude seig heiled on a televised international stage. If you think this is just FUD, you are delusional.

Tesla is a house of cards waiting to collapse. if you think this is bad, wait until it’s 80$

Honest question….why hasn’t anyone sued Tesla/Elon for tanking their stock like this?

1T market cap, 100B revenue. What do you mean ??????!!!!!!!?????????

VW: 49B market cap, 324B revenue.

BMW: 52B market cap, 148B revenue.

Mercedes: 56B market cap, 147B revenue.

Porsche: 56B market cap, 38 revenue.

Do you need more ?

I mean sales are down ≥40% in largest of EV markets. I am surprised it hasn’t fallen further.

– Trump wants to strip out EV infrastructure

– Tesla’s champions are Environment Sustainability champions a.k.a. tree hugging liberals. The very group Elon has aligned himself AGAINST!

– Subsidies have disappeared in many markets regardless of politics

– Battery manufacturing cost has not come down significantly in the last few years to even be competitive in mid-level luxury segments.

So yeah, it is actually more than just boycotts. It’s a mix of politics, bad economic situation, and just whole lot of terrible decisions by Elon that is tanking the company.

I do see a way to salvage this though, as little as it may. Elon can start by at least stepping away from Tesla. That could halt the drop further. I am no fan of Tesla vehicles (bad QA experience). But they are leading the EV industry which I want to see grow further.

Do they have a lot of crypto holdings?

That might hurt them too right now if it keeps crashing.

people dont like nazis, no fud about it. sales have been cut in half in europe almost overnight.

I can’t speak for anyone else, but I wouldn’t touch that stock with a shitty stick right now.

TSLA is “memecoin”

Turns out people who are pro-Green are anti-Nazi. Weird huh

I can’t speak for anyone but myself. I divested when Elon proved he was just a fascist. I will never invest in an Elon product.

All the volatile tech stocks are down 20-30% since the salute.

Hi I’m going to start a video game company, we’re going to make the best video games possible. Then I’m going to, as a hobby, get video game consoles banned where I can, and also tell gamers that they all love watching their wives with other men 😂

if you are the owner of publicly traded companies, you probably need to have an image as neutral as possible

Some EU pension funds are selling due to US concerns.

I’m a former kool-aid drinker. The man is Elizabeth Holmes

There’s a boycott, people are dumping them left and right.

And what salute was that? Don’t down play it

here is how i always view the market, a single stock red, check news, check earnings, check sentiments.

the entire market red.. go on about my day.

when the market is green and bullish again, and teslas still red then yes ill believe its a boycott.

Google -11% since salute
Nvda -13% since salute
Msft -11% since salute

sure 1/3 of teslas downside but their ceo also isnt on the front page of every single negative tabloid, nor do they suffer as harshly from tariffs and a declining demand.

It’s not fud. Sales are down significantly. I’ve always thought Tesla was decently over-valued to begin with..so this isn’t too much of a shock for me.

My brother sold his tesla and his tesla stock, fuck that Nazi!

Musk killed the brand

Just a thought but if Canada removes Tariffs on China EV’s in response to the trade wars trump is initiating, it’s possible Tesla will never recover in the Canadian market. It’s a small market but one more on top of the already troubled markets they do business in.

Sale are down 50%, tsla is cooked

They’re protesting in front of Tesla stores in Illinois

Lol it’s a long overdue correction. Tesla is ridiculously overvalued

The salute sure seems to have hurt European sales.

Elon is making a lot of enemies by declaring war on the American left and even some on the right with his DOGE antics. Not just that he’s angering Canadians and interfering in German elections supporting their AfD party.

Severally enraging half the customer base was bound to hit Tesla’s bottom line.

The only people who ever bough Teslas were young tech types, who have all been laid off or upper middle class who wanted a 2nd or 3rd car and were virtue signaling.

Teslas primary product has always been hype. Not engineering and certainly not reality. The stock is worthless really. Once Musk is maintenance called its gone.

Those groups no longer exist. There are two Rivians and an Ocean in my nighborhood now. Upper class are just virtue signaling with vehicles that dont suck.

What FUD could be any worse than the absolute clown show Musk is putting on?

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